Chapter 1290 House Search!
Mr. Mu lowered his eyes, and when he came back, he really got to the point of searching the house again, "Facing the students' doubts, contestants from Xiling College, are you willing to let us search the house?"

Mr. Lin hurriedly said, "Old Mu, they are naturally willing. If they are determined not to do so, doesn't that mean that the claim of taking forbidden drugs is confirmed?"

Mu Lao frowned and glanced at him.

Which faction does this dead old man belong to, to say such words?

Mu Lao didn't speak, and asked Baili Qinxue and the others with his eyes.

Baili Qinxue folded her arms around her chest, facing this sudden situation, she didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

She and Xiao Pink looked at each other, with a smile in their eyes for an instant, and it became more and more profound.

"They bastards are going to search the house again..." Feng Ren tilted his head, his hair covered his brows and eyes, and there were some traces of blackening.

There are definitely no banned drugs in their house, but...

Feng Ren's eyebrows twitched, and he immediately blackened, "They won't play the previous trick again, no, I want to go back and find out."

Wei Nanzi hurriedly grabbed him, and frowned again, "It's too late for you to go now, and you will be said to have a guilty conscience and destroy the evidence..."

Feng Ren's face collapsed, "Damn it, why did this happen?"

Xuanyuan Po glanced at Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng, and saw that their faces were calm, and they must be ready.

He slightly hooked his lips, met Mu Lao's eyes, and said fearlessly: "Then search the house, our innocence cannot be questioned by others."

In an instant, the cold and harsh words reached everyone's ears.

The people of East County College stayed silent.

The people of Xiling College immediately became excited, ahh, Xuanyuan Po is so courageous.

Just search and search, they are not afraid.

"Since I have your consent, I will order my disciples to search the house." Old Mu summoned his disciples, and just like that, a group of people went to several people's houses in a mighty manner.

Elder Lin and Instructor He Lan looked at each other and smiled, their gloating expressions were hard to hide.

Soon, a group of people stood outside the house.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng stood leisurely, showing no sign of panic at all.

The students around the outside stretched their necks to watch, and they also muttered softly, and the noise of chirping and chattering sounded again for a while, and the disciples had already gone in to rummage through the boxes, as if they were going to find out the banned drugs.

"Xiaocheng, do you think they can find the forbidden drug?" Xilanlu was taken aback by this battle.

Liu Cheng raised her neck and said firmly, "How could it be possible to find the forbidden medicine? Brother Mu Liu and Young Master Xuanyuan are so powerful, is it necessary to take the forbidden medicine?"

Xilanlu nodded, "That's right, but how did the rumors spread?"

Liu Cheng sneered: "It must be someone from Dongjun College, seeing that we won consecutively, they are not convinced."

At this time, Xi Lanming said, "It's only our fault for sending those thieves to the competition. Otherwise, there would be no such rumors."

Xilanlu heard the words, and said fiercely: "That's right, those thieves dare to join in the fun even if they don't have any skills. What if they really find out some banned drugs?"

Liu Cheng's heart couldn't help jumping, that's right, although the matter of the four thieves taking banned drugs has been found out, it can't be ruled out that there is such a thing, what if they really find banned drugs...

"The banned medicine was also taken by people like Baili Qinxue, and it has nothing to do with Mu Liu and Xuanyuan Po." Liu Cheng squinted her eyes, bluntly.


(End of this chapter)

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