Chapter 1291 Just hold on to it!
Xilan Lu nodded seriously, "That's right, the trash from the two second-class classes can be so powerful, they must have swallowed forbidden drugs..."

Xi Lanming glanced at them and said, "Let's wait for the results to come out."

The two quickly fell silent.

The disciples rummaged through the cabinets, even in the crevices, but after searching for a long time, they couldn't find anything. They looked at each other and immediately backed out.

"Old Mu, there's nothing inside, it's very clean." Several disciples said in unison.

Mr. Mu stood up straight, and asked casually, "Have you searched carefully, have you not missed the door frame?"

The disciples nodded, and said: "I have searched carefully, not even letting go of a small crack, there is really nothing inside."

The people of East County College looked at each other in blank dismay.

The people of Xiling College immediately laughed happily.

"Haha, you've seen it, it's said that our people will not swallow forbidden drugs, and you still don't believe it."

"I've been slapped in the face now. Our victory depends on our strength."

"That's right, you people from East County College quickly apologize to us, our reputation has been ruined by you."


Elder Lin and Instructor He Lan looked at each other, both of them had incredulity in their eyes.

What exactly is going on?

How could there be nothing in the house?
The bottle of banned medicine was clearly put in by them...

"Have you really searched carefully?" Instructor He Lan's eyes widened, full of majesty.

The disciples were taken aback, and said truthfully: "We really searched carefully, and we didn't even let the door frame go."

Elder Lin winked at Instructor He Lan, and Instructor He Lan immediately said: "I think your search is so-so, you should search again, lest you miss anything."

The people of Xiling College are not happy at all, what does this mean?

Just don't believe them?

Instructor He Lan smoothed things over and said: "I don't believe you, but this matter is not groundless. We just want to search carefully and don't want to leave any doubts."

The voice of Xiling College stopped immediately.

That's right, if you search carefully, you will be more innocent.

Mu Lao narrowed his eyes, always feeling that Instructor He Lan is quite concerned about this matter, "Since we need to search again, let's search again, but if you can't find it again, you should stop in moderation."

Instructor He Lan nodded.

I don't believe they couldn't find it, but they put the bottle of forbidden medicine in by themselves.

Those disciples must have not searched carefully.

The disciples went into the house again and rummaged through the boxes.

Baili Qinxue stood upright, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.She already knew about Mentor Helan's pissing behavior, and after the rumor passed, others would search the house.

Fortunately, she had the foresight. Not long ago, she let Little Pink sneak into the house, and searched the inside and outside of the house carefully. Sure enough...

The two little bastards had already sneaked in and placed a bottle of banned drugs in the house.

Little Pink Eye quickly took out the forbidden medicine, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

After a while, the disciples still found nothing.

Instructor He Lan squinted his eyes, feeling unhappy all over. This doesn't make sense, the bottle of forbidden medicine must be in the room.

"Mu Lao doesn't have banned drugs in this room, do you think they sneaked into the house and took away the banned drugs?" Instructor He Lan hypothesized.

After hearing this, the students of Xiling College immediately became furious.

He just said something, if he couldn't find the banned drug, he said it was taken away.

If banned drugs are found, can they say that they were secretly put in by someone?
What kind of mentor is this? It's disgusting to look like a dog.


(End of this chapter)

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