Chapter 1310 Might be Mr. Lin...

Master Jiayin struggled endlessly, and his face became extremely ugly. He roared directly, "You are the one who manipulated all of this behind the scenes. It was you who ruined my reputation. It was you, it must be you."

Baili Qinxue was unmoved, her eyes wide open, "Master Jiayin wanted to accuse others of any crime, do you know where the four thieves went after they were cleared?"

Master Kayin blurted out, "Where did you go?"

Baili Qinxue covered her lips and smiled lightly, her eyes full of coldness, which made people shudder, "They were invited back to Xiling College by Mr. Lin, that's why we have such a good relationship with the four thieves. After a good relationship, they Just tell me what happened in the past..."

So, they only found out about it after the drug ban incident?
Master Jiayin was confused and had a headache, "What are you trying to say, what are you trying to do?"

Baili Qinxue chuckled, the shattered light in her eyes was a bit strange, "Master Jiayin, have you never thought about it, in fact, it might be that Mr. Lin betrayed you?"

Dugu Sheng shook the teacup, watching with great interest.

Ah Xue, it’s time to reverse right and wrong again, haha, interesting.

"What do you mean?" Master Jiayin's heart skipped a beat, swallowing his saliva.

Baili Qinxue raised her red lips, and that strange arc quietly rose on her lips, "Only you should know the location of the secret room, Old Lin knows, and Old Lin also knows who is inside, so, Mr. Lin The person who is the easiest to sneak into the secret room to save people is the forbidden drug letter that was searched from Dongfang Duoer's room. Mr. Lin is naturally very familiar with that thing, and he will not be aware of it if he wants to put him in Dongfang Duoer's room .”

Master Jiayin's heart skipped a beat, as he savored her words carefully, his expression changed drastically.

It seems very reasonable, no wonder Mr. Lin has been tepid after the incident, and he was given dumb medicine, it must have been planned very early.

Seeing his changes, Baili Qinxue continued to confuse: "There is also everything that happened on the city wall. The spearhead has been pointed at you. When there is still one person behind, your Guild Master Cang will come immediately."

Master Jiayin raised his eyes and met Shangbaili Qinxue's deep eyes.

"Why did President Cang come here for no reason, and at this time..." Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, her slender eyebrows reflected in the sunlight, adding a bit of condensed color.

"It's Mr. Lin, he stayed out of the matter and ruined my reputation." Master Jiayin gritted his teeth, with hatred in his eyes.

Baili Qinxue followed his words and continued: "I think your guess should be right, he will push you into the endless abyss like this, so that you can only stay in the dark place forever and ever. In the basement of a man, work, work, work until he dies, a heap of dry bones..."

Qinglei, Yousen's words lingered in his ears.

It's like a magic song.

Master Jiayin trembled, his eyes became scarlet, and the monstrous anger was vented out.

"Mr. Lin, you bitch, how dare you do this to me..." He clenched his fingertips tightly, "But why did Mr. Lin do that, and what good would it do him?"

Baili Qinxue glanced at her and realized that she was a master after all, and it was not so easy to be fooled.

"People don't like people who are more capable than themselves. You are the master of the alchemist union, and the light has covered him." Baili Qinxue played with her fingertips and said casually: "Besides, he is afraid, afraid of you." The more and more light is beyond his control, so he can only destroy you without mercy."


(End of this chapter)

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