Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1311 As long as you can push him into the abyss

Chapter 1311 As long as you can push him into the abyss
If it seems reasonable, it is actually full of loopholes.

However, Master Jiayin was fooled by her so that he didn't know where to go.

Seeing that the results were good, Baili Qinxue continued to add more information, "You fell like a meteor, while Mr. Lin lived a prosperous life. You were trapped in the basement, while Mr. Lin lived a carefree life. Are you willing? ?”

How can you be willing?

Master Jiayin gritted his teeth, and the veins popped out on his forehead, "Old bitch Lin, bitch, no wonder I didn't see him come to rescue me when I was trapped in the basement, it's a college battle right now, he has enough time to come, so, He wants me to die..."

In an instant, hatred, monstrous hatred vented out.

Master Jiayin has completely believed Baili Qinxue's words.

Baili Qinxue's eyes were gloomy, and a little smile condensed inside, "There is a way to push Mr. Lin into the abyss right now, but you must cooperate with us, are you willing?"

Dugu Sheng watched a good show and felt very satisfied.

It was a wonderful move to arouse the hatred in Master Kayin's whole body and let him be used by them.

Master Jiayin suddenly raised his eyes, his eyes were flickering, "Is there a way to push Mr. Lin into the abyss?"

He swallowed his saliva, feeling a little excited, even if it was a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, as long as he could push Mr. Lin into the abyss and ruin his reputation, he would do it.

"That's right." Baili Qinxue nodded slightly and said, "We have a solution, you just need to cooperate with us."

Master Jiayin was very excited, his sinister eyes gradually became sharper, he couldn't wait to ask: "What do I need to do, what do you need me to do?"

The light from outside continued to shine into the room. Although the temperature was somewhat scalding, Master Kayin felt very cold.Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and there was a frightening coldness in her eyes.

"As long as you tell all you know, it's fine." She licked her lips, and her gloomy tone made people's hairs stand on end.

Master Kayin frowned, "As long as this is all right?"

Baili Qinxue nodded, her eyes determined, "Yes, as long as this is the case, I don't mind if you speak more seriously."

The autumn wind is floating outside.

Master Jiayin could clearly see the coldness in her eyes, like the ice in the extreme north, making it difficult to breathe, he gritted his teeth, almost suffocated.

"Well, as long as I can push Mr. Lin into the abyss, I will do as you say."

Baili Qinxue stood up, returned to her seat and sat down.

Master Kayin breathed a sigh of relief, and his breathing slowly returned to a steady state.

"Master Jiayin, remember your words, otherwise no one will be able to help you, and Elder Lin will still get away with it." Baili Qinxue lightly touched the teacup on the table, and a ray of warmth warmed her fingertips.

Master Jiayin nodded hastily, "Don't worry, I am loyal to you at this moment, and I will try my best to cooperate."

Thinking that Mr. Lin had also become a dog in the water, he was immediately happy.

"In that case, then you should swallow this thing." Baili Qinxue spread out her palm, and a black elixir lay on it, which made her palm extraordinarily white.

Master Kayin's heart skipped a beat, "What is this?"

"Poison." Baili Qinxue didn't laugh, and said generously: "We can rest assured only after swallowing the poison. The world is too big, and no one knows what will happen in the next second."

These bastards...

Master Jiayin's face turned green. How long ago has he been treated like this as a master.

However, in order to push Lin Lao into the abyss, he had to endure it.


(End of this chapter)

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