Chapter 1312 We Can Try First

Dugu Sheng was startled, then suddenly laughed, and kissed the back of her hand.

In an instant, there was an ambiguous smell, and he took a deep breath and said, "It's nothing."

I want to know how wonderful the space you have is... This question kept swirling in his mind, but he held back the next second and didn't ask it.

Baili Qinxue was puzzled, and kept closing her fingertips, but the scorching heat on the back of her hand made her tremble all over.

"What's the matter with you?" Just now I was kissed on the back of my hand, feeling so shy.

Dugu Sheng stroked her palm, his voice was low and intoxicating, like a glass of mellow red wine, "I just want to ask, when will we get married, Axue?"

Get married, what the hell?

Thinking is so jumping...

And are they in a relationship? Baili Qinxue swallowed her saliva, her face was so red that it was smoking, her heart was beating non-stop, and the beating sound showed that she was not calm.

She originally planned not to get married for the rest of her life, but if it was Dugu Sheng...

She thought she would.

However, what the hell is this jumping thinking?

Baili Qinxue fixed her eyes elsewhere, and the pale pink on her face gradually became dazzling under the sunlight, "We are not together yet, why are we talking about getting married, but if we really want to talk about getting married, the two of us can Give it a try first."

Her lips opened and closed, not knowing what she was talking about.

Dugu Sheng just couldn't find an excuse, so he just talked nonsense, but...

His eyes widened suddenly, as if he had heard something terrible just now.

"A Xue, what did you just say, say it again." He clenched his fingertips, swallowed, and stared at her with piercing eyes.

Baili Qinxue only felt a lump of paste in her head, which made her whole body feel hot, she pursed her lips, and subconsciously said: "I said, you can try it first, it's too early to talk about getting married."

This is simply a surprise...

Dugu Sheng took a deep breath, and looked at her without blinking his eyes, "In this way, is the relationship between us one step closer?"

In other words, she is really interested in me, haha.

Baili Qinxue suddenly came back to her senses, her eyes darkened, she continued to put on a cold face, and said, "You can think whatever you like, or you can forget what happened just now, I regret it..."

Let him forget?

Totally impossible!
Dugu Sheng clasped her hands tightly like a rascal, and the twinkling eyes reflected the two little girls, "The words that are spoken, the water that is spilled, can't be taken back no matter what, and I will use my actions to make the water come back." You can never say anything regretful again, when the time comes, let's go back to the island and get married."

The autumn wind floats.

The hair strands of the two were swaying in the wind, and then, they were tightly intertwined, as if it was difficult to part.

Baili Qinxue's heart was beating like thunder, and she gradually closed her five fingers. She turned her head and said, "Anyone can say beautiful words. Let me see your future actions."

Dugu Sheng frowned, smiling alluringly, "I won't let you down..."

Baili Qinxue looked out the window, wondering what she was thinking.

"Axue, what should we do next?" Dugu Sheng looked at the back of her porcelain white hand, his gaze involuntarily deepened.

Baili Qinxue glanced at Master Jiayin, and then cast her gaze on Dugu Sheng, she said: "Mr. Lin and the others must be thinking about how to take the initiative. Let's go see Mr. Mu first. There are some things that must be left to him." It’s better to go out and do it.”


(End of this chapter)

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