Chapter 1329 Sinners always like dying

Instructor He Lan's heart trembled. Could it be that Baili Qinxue brought all the very favorable witnesses?

He turned his head to the side, and it turned out to be the same as Elder Lin, his cheeks turned white quickly...

Instructor He Lan and Elder Lin had slandered four thieves together before, so he had an impression of Wang Tieniu and Li Ergou, let alone Master Jiayin.

These few get together to force their rhythm to death.

Baili Qinxue had a panoramic view of the panic of the two of them, she slowly stood up, her aura was too late to release, but it still made people jump in fear, "Is Mr. Lin satisfied with my witnesses? Besides, these witnesses, Mr. Lin, should Are you familiar with it?"

As early as when the good show was about to end, Baili Qinxue asked Little Pink and the three of them to bring her out of the house, and removed the makeup on Master Jiayin's face.

As soon as the words came out, the students looked at each other in blank dismay.

Master Jiayin and the others knew each other, but a big black mole and a plum blossom birthmark looked like a street vendor. Can such a person be used as a witness?
Just when the students were puzzled, Mr. Lin raised his lips, and a sneer overflowed from his mouth, "It's a little bit of a reflection, the one on the far left is Master Jiayin, but I clearly remember that Master Jiayin is being imprisoned in the training room. You are in the Pharmacist Union, and you can't come out from life to life, so the Master Kayin in your hand won't be disguised, right?"

People who are on the verge of death always like to struggle, but Baili Qinxue doesn't care about it.

"Is it a fake? In fact, you know it best in your heart. After all, you have been selling banned drugs together for many years. You should be very familiar with Master Jiayin." Baili Qinxue chuckled, saying every word very well. slow.

Elder Lin pursed his lips, and said to him, "Wang Tieniu and Li Ergou, I remember they are dead?"

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and applauded casually, "I have to say, Mr. Lin has a really good memory. He can even remember these little fellows clearly, and he can even call them by their names accurately."

Elder Lin paused, and froze in place.

Baili Qinxue smiled and said, "Since Elder Lin remembers it so clearly, let's greet them well. I think you must have a lot to say."

Elder Lin was stunned. Baili Qinxue, who had always kept a low profile, turned out to be so eloquent. Sure enough, she hid it very well.

Mu Lao had already quietly stepped aside, leaving space for them.

Little Pink and the three of them have already brought people over.

Looking at Li Ergou and Wang Tieniu who had come back from the dead, Elder Lin felt a chill rushing from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, making him suffocate.

"Does Elder Lin know how to hide his eyes?" Dugu Sheng said suddenly, his hoarse and magnetic voice was like a magic song, slowly lingering in Elder Lin's ears.

Elder Lin seemed to have been stabbed in the chest by something, making it difficult for him to breathe, but his head was extremely clear.

No wonder they didn't die, it turned out to be a blindfold...

Seeing his distraught appearance, Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, and immediately became much more complete, haha.

Wang Tieniu and Li Ergou were also taken aback when they saw Elder Lin, but they quickly recovered. They had good food and drink at Xuanyuan Po's place, so they naturally knew who was better to follow.

Elder Lin wanted to kill them last time, but fortunately he was rescued. Now they hate Elder Lin to the core and wish him to die.

The two rolled their eyes, and told all about how to slander the four thieves and how they were used by Mr. Lin, and they spoke in such an eloquent way that the students were taken aback for a while.

I didn't expect that Mr. Lin was so bad...


(End of this chapter)

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