Chapter 1330 Bitch, I want to kill you!

Mr. Lin's eyes were ashen, and he tried to make faces for them, but he couldn't stop their mouths, bitch!
Instructor He Lan was frightened to death, and he collapsed on the ground and shivered.

Baili Qinxue glanced at her eyes, and said with a sneer, "I thought Teacher He Lan was a big man who was fearless, but I didn't expect him to be a coward."

Dugu Sheng teased, "Typical bullying, timid and fearful."

The four thieves have also been refreshed, "Oh my God, I didn't expect to be so cowardly. When they slandered us before, they were very exciting, very powerful..."

Sure enough, the boss is so mighty!
The evening wind was blowing gently, and the farce in the arena continued.

Master Jiayin was still in a coma, Wei Nanzi frowned and pinched the others, and then...

"Ah, who, dare to pinch Master Ben, it hurts so much..." Master Jiayin covered the crowd, scolded for a while, and found something was wrong.

where is thisAnd there are a lot of people and it's noisy.

The most important thing is, isn't the man standing across from him the respectable and vicious Mr. Lin!

Sure enough, Baili Qinxue did not lie to him, and the good opportunity for revenge finally came.

Master Jiayin cracked the corner of his mouth, sneered, then suddenly looked at Wei Nanzi, and said, "Brother, do you have a knife?"

Baili Qinxue said that as long as Master Jiayin needs him, let him perform well in the arena and win the smiles of the students.Wei Nanzi took out a big knife from the space ring and gave it to him.

Master Jiayin took the sword and rushed towards Elder Lin like crazy.

"Old Lin, you bitch, how dare you hurt me like this, I'm going to fight you today."

His eyes were scarlet, filled with soaring anger.

Elder Lin was startled, and when he came back to his senses, the big knife was already close at hand, he was startled, and hurriedly dodged it.

Master Jiayin was like a runaway wild horse, rushing straight towards Mr. Lin, "Bitch, I tried my best to refine forbidden medicine for you to sell, but you kicked me away for your own fame and fortune. It’s nothing more than kicking me away, but I even ruined my reputation and wrote a letter to Guild Master Cang to sue, so I ended up where I am today.”

The big knife in his hand kept swiping down, and the sharp blade was emitting a faint cold light under the moonlight.

He shot clumsily and loosely, but he was merciless.

Old Lin retreated every step of the way, wanting to make a move to make him shut up, but tens of thousands of eyes were staring at him. If he made a move, wouldn't he be charged with murder, but if he didn't...

His reputation has long been ruined by Master Kayin.

This slut who has more success than failure, what does it mean to kick him away for the sake of fame and fortune?

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Elder Lin narrowed his eyes and shouted angrily, "What do you mean I kicked you away? I have never sold banned drugs to you at all. Are you being used by someone?"

"Bitch, don't make excuses!"

Master Jiayin glared angrily, and the big knife in his hand slashed straight to the ground, with a "bang bang", the ground quickly split a thin crack, if it hit a person, it wouldn't be split in half.

It was only then that Mr. Lin realized that he was serious, and the deep hatred in his eyes was confusing.

"Master Jiayin, you are crazy." Elder Lin evaded lightly, but said: "How can you take a lunatic's words seriously?"

"Bitch, I'm not crazy..." Master Jiayin was angry, but suddenly he smiled, "I see, you are guilty, because you are guilty, so you say I am crazy, Mr. Lin, you are still the same Shameless."


(End of this chapter)

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