Chapter 1359 The competition begins!
There are many high-level medicinal herbs in the medicine field, and they are all extremely precious.

Dugu Sheng thought of the grass fruit that had grown wildly before, and all the problems were solved in an instant.

"There is such a great space. My Axue is so good. I really want to hide you well." Dugu Sheng pouted, and suddenly put on a serious face, "Never let others know, otherwise, it will be troublesome." of."

Baili Qinxue nodded, "I know, don't worry."

Dugu Sheng flicked his sleeves, wandering in the space by himself, saw Er Huo eating grapes, he patted Er Huo on the head, and said, "Pick a bunch for me too."

Er Huo had been bullied by him several times, and was already scared, so he jumped up and picked a bunch for him.

"Give you."

A loud male voice sounded.

"You can talk now." Dugu Sheng glanced at him, not too surprised.

Erhuo raised his tail and said, "The great summoner has advanced, and I have followed suit."

Dugu Sheng plucked a grape and ate it, "It's cheaper for you...Axue, it turns out that the grapes you gave me were also picked from space."

It was too cold outside, so the two stayed in the space and slept all night.

The next day, when they came out of the space, the two were still on the roof. The chicken and beef on the roof hadn't finished eating, and the wind had already blown them to pieces.

"What a waste." Baili Qinxue glanced at her and was about to leave.

Dugu Sheng laughed like a thief and held her hand vigorously. After prying into her secrets last night, I always feel that they have taken a big step closer, yeah, I'm so happy.

Baili Qinxue also felt that she was in a surprisingly good mood today, maybe she told the secret she had been keeping all along, she felt relaxed, and she didn't need to sneak around in the future, and could go into the house to play together.

Walking in the direction of the residence, it seems that someone said that there are fewer monsters in the forest, and there are no blood stains left by hunting monsters in the forest.

It was as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

Baili Qinxue tilted her head and listened a little bit. Could it be that someone is really practicing evil kung fu?

"What's wrong with Axue?" Dugu Sheng leaned closer to see her face.

Looking at the enlarged version of her face, Baili Qinxue was taken aback, "It's nothing, I think it's interesting that they are talking about the disappearance of monsters, tell me, is there really someone practicing that kind of evil skill?"

"It's possible, he must be a very perverted person." Thinking about it, Dugu Sheng felt disgusted, so he talked to her about other topics.

The autumn wind in the morning was a little chilly, but it was warmer after the sun came out.

Mu Lao moved very quickly, the arena has been completely repaired, and the materials are better than last time, so it won't turn into powder so easily.

The college battle started after breakfast. This was the final battle. Not only the students but also the instructors were looking forward to it. Mr. Mu sat on the high platform straightening his beard with a smile on his face.

When the people from Dongjun College entered the arena, the blood in Mu Lao's heart ran.

He is extremely optimistic about Ye Qianqiu. If Ye Qianqiu faces Baili Qinxue, he should be able to win... But what's with the unexplained trembling in his heart?

Mr. Mu took a deep breath. Could it be that he was already afraid of that woman before he knew it?

No way, just a junior...

Just as Mu Laodong was thinking about it, Baili Qinxue and Ye Qianqiu jumped onto the ring without saying anything.

On the ring, Ye Qianqiu still looked cold and aloof, with his eyes above the top, and he didn't even give Baili Qinxue a straight look.


(End of this chapter)

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