Chapter 1360 Magic Formation Sword
Baili Qinxue didn't take him seriously, she just stood there quietly playing with her fingertips, the cold and stern aura of Tsinghua University in her body was released in an instant, and the dark eyes soaked in the sunlight suddenly became a little colder. Bitter taste.

Such a powerful momentum...

Ye Qianqiu trembled all over, subconsciously looked at Baili Qinxue, her pupils shrank, and her eyes seemed to lose focus.

Baili Qinxue hooked her lips, and a beautiful curve rippling from the corner of her lips.

Ye Qianqiu came back to his senses in an instant, it was embarrassing to be frightened just now, but, she was just a little-known woman, she had no threat at all, he was the finale today.

But, thinking of the timidity that flashed in his heart just now, Ye Qianqiu was furious, and directly attacked Baili Qinxue, and the attack was swift and fierce.

He is a wood magician. In an instant, countless rattans stretched out towards Baili Qinxue's surroundings.

Wood is afraid of fire...

Baili Qinxue chuckled, her eyes were full of energy from the beginning to the end.

A ray of pure flame danced in her palm, and in an instant, it burned the flying vines to pieces. Her flame seemed to be able to burn the entire arena, and the students felt that it was so dazzling that they couldn't open their eyes.

Only after the light had dissipated did the students see the scene on the ring clearly.

Ye Qianqiu's vines had all been burned, but he still did not give up, still playing with the wood magic in his palm.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Countless vines flew in the air, and they gathered together and turned into an incomparably huge wooden dragon. The dragon swung its tail with a fierce aura.

Baili Qinxue licked her dry lips, her eyes sparkled.


For a moment, she felt that there was a layer of dark light on the top of her head. It turned out that the giant dragon was hovering above her head, its thick and powerful tail was swinging, and then, it was attacking downwards!Baili Qinxue not only did not defend, but instead attacked her in a bully manner. Her speed was extremely fast, as if she was flying through the clouds.

The students stared blankly.

The promised magician is slow and can't attack in melee. What's wrong with the current situation?

Not to mention the speed, she also tried to use melee combat, so where are their warriors, it's abominable.

"Using melee combat is simply for death." Ye Qianqiu sneered, looking at Baili Qinxue who was bullying him with an extremely arrogant attitude, "I will let you experience it for yourself now, my wood system How powerful is the magic?"

With a movement of his fingertips, the dragon's speed also increased several times.

The thick tail swept straight towards Baili Qinxue's Tianling Gai, and it was about to hit, but...

A sword that seemed to be quenched with blood tore through the sky, the sword light was piercing, and the swordsmanship was like flowing clouds and flowing water, smashing the wooden giant dragon to pieces in an instant.

Ye Qianqiu's eyes widened suddenly, the scene in front of him was too weird, his giant dragon was so powerful, it was cut to pieces in an instant, and he had suffered a bit of backlash just now when he used too much magic.

He covered his chest, and his eyes turned on Baili Qinxue. In an instant, his eyes were no longer contempt, but incredulous and astonished.

She held a sword in her hand, a strangely red sword, the blood red was slowly flowing, piercing people's eyes.

This is not an ordinary sword, but a treasured sword transformed by magic. Ye Qianqiu's eyes widened again, and he took a few steps back in shock.

She... She can also magically take shape.

"You can magically transform into form..." Ye Qianqiu stared at the sword.

Cang Molian and Xuanyuan Po transformed into intangible things, but she...


(End of this chapter)

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