Chapter 1369

Chu Yuedao laughed loudly, "That guy must have found a place to cry, tell him if he dares to cry in the future."

Cang Molian said, "Aren't you going to eat, let's go."

After they left, Baili Qinxue and the others decided which restaurant to eat.

Night falls.

The long street is overcrowded, and the bright lights shine from the house, rendering the warmth of the place.

The largest restaurant in Moon City was already full of guests. When Baili Qinxue and the others entered, it was almost full. Countless people's heads were dangling in front of their eyes, which was a bit irritating to the eyes.

Seeing that they were well dressed, Xiao Er immediately came up to entertain them.

"Guest officers, what do you want to eat?"

Just as Baili Qinxue was about to speak, she saw a person staggering down the stairs.

The man was holding a wine bottle in his hand, and beside him was a mysterious man in black clothes and a black hat. The mysterious man walked mechanically and looked like a puppet.

"Baili Qinxue..." The man dropped the wine bottle and pointed at her.

Baili Qinxue frowned, she just glanced casually, but now she saw the man's appearance clearly.

It turned out that it was Ye Qianqiu who competed with her today, and he beat him once today, no wonder he would stare at her, he is really stingy.

Ye Qianqiu had already walked down the stairs, and the mysterious person beside him followed closely.

As they got closer, the smell of alcohol on Ye Qianqiu's body continued to diffuse, and Baili Qinxue frowned unconsciously.

"I don't know what you can do with Mr. Ye?"

Ye Qianqiu glanced at her, as if he was drunk, he grinned and said in a very presumptuous manner, "You Xiling College won today, so you came to the restaurant to celebrate, you are so eager to celebrate , you want to announce to the whole continent that you have won, right?"

Just a drunk.

Baili Qinxue gave him a disgusted look, but said nothing.

Dugu Sheng pinched her fingers, but didn't take this kind of little guy to heart.

The others didn't take a drunkard seriously, so Mu Liu smiled and said to Xiao Er, "Do you still have a wing here?"

Xiao Er shook his head, immediately smiled and said: "Yes, yes."

Mu Liu continued: "Then give us a room, and bring us the delicious food and drinks here."

Xiaoer nodded repeatedly, and was interrupted by Ye Qianqiu just as he was about to give orders.

"I won't give them food here. I want to take over the entire restaurant. They can't celebrate under my nose." Ye Qianqiu yelled loudly.

Xiao Er was quite embarrassed, "This..."

How could he offend the guests, and there are still many guests here, is it possible to drive them all away?

"What, what..." Ye Qianqiu took out a few bags of gold coins from his pocket, threw them on the ground, and said, "Here, see if you have enough. Get out, this place belongs to me alone."

Xiao Er's mouth twitched, not knowing what to do.

Seeing that he didn't move, Ye Qianqiu raised his sword eyebrows, "Didn't I give you gold coins, and this young master is a rare summoner in a thousand years, even you, a little girl, dare to disobey me?"

Xiao Er broke out in a cold sweat, how dare he.

"Then why don't you drive out all the people here quickly, how can I eat and drink with these people as a summoner, this young master has completely lowered my status." Ye Qianqiu cursed and immediately became drunk.

Xiaoer is also not good at being a man, so he turned his head, smiled at Baili Qinxue and the others, and said, "Guest officers, look at this..."


(End of this chapter)

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