Chapter 1370 This kid is too clingy

He is a summoner, he dare not offend him as a junior.

Zhao Yu and the four thieves were talking a few words just now, but were interrupted by Baili Qinxue.

She smiled and said: "It's okay, Mr. Ye is drunk, we won't care about drunk people..."

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and smiled ironically.

Ye Qianqiu raised his eyebrows, and smashed his hands on the table angrily, "Let you be arrogant, let you be arrogant, all of you get out of here, and you, and you, all..."

The guests were almost scared to death, and ran out without even paying the gold coins.

"Hey, you haven't paid the gold coins yet..." Xiao Er stood on the spot and shouted, but no one paid him any attention.

Seeing that all the guests had run away, Xiao Er was running around in a hurry.

Ye Qianqiu sat on the spot giggling, but with a flash in front of his eyes, seeing Baili Qinxue and the others still sticking around, his face immediately sank a little.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Baili Qinxue didn't speak, Dugu Sheng laughed directly, the corners of his mouth twisted into a smirk and said: "If we left early, how could we see the appearance of the young master drinking like crazy."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yu and the others laughed intermittently.

Ye Qianqiu swept the plate on the table on the ground, and said angrily: "Get out of here, get out of here..."

"Young Master Ye is indeed drunk..." Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and led the crowd away after speaking.

As soon as they left, the restaurant immediately became a little quieter.

Xiao Er's cries rang in his ears.

Ye Qianqiu frowned, and threw him a few bags of gold coins, "Don't cry, it's just gold coins, my young master looks upset."

Looking at the golden coins on the ground, Xiao Er's mood immediately improved.

"You, come here..." Ye Qianqiu pointed to the mysterious person beside him.

The mysterious man came over like a puppet, didn't speak, just stood there quietly.

"Help me..." Ye Qianqiu murmured, his alcohol-stained eyes reflected the coquettish light of the lamp.


The twilight is deep, but the coolness of the night can't dampen the enthusiasm of the people. The long street is still full of people's voices, and the cries of hawkers can be heard endlessly.

"Little sister, we were kicked out by that Ye Qianqiu, where are we going to eat now?" Zhao Yu was a little hungry, and a little angry when he thought of the scene just now.

The four thieves were also a little angry. If they hadn't been stopped just now, they would have slapped Ye Qianqiu a few times in the morning, "The kid loses if he loses, and he is so arrogant, he looks like he can't afford to lose."

"He is a summoner, so he has the capital to be arrogant." Wei Nanzi frowned, "However, if you are too arrogant, you will suffer in the end."

Baili Qinxue was also a little hungry, "Let's find a restaurant to eat, I won't meet another Ye Qianqiu."

The crowd nodded in agreement.

The moon disappeared into the clouds, and the place they walked became darker for a moment.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Dugu Sheng pinched Baili Qinxue's fingers in his hand, and he was not willing to put it down until the light came on again, smiling like a cat that stole the fish.

Baili Qinxue's face was red, and she let out a laugh.

There is also a second good restaurant in Moon City, without Ye Qianqiu's calls, the few people ate heartily.

After eating and drinking enough, Zhao Yu thought about going for a walk with everyone. Anyway, the college battle is over, so it should be relaxed and relaxed.

Going out with a group of them, Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, saying he would not do it.

He wanted to go to the two-person world with A Xue, he raised his eyebrows, dragged Baili Qinxue away, and said that they were going to get down to business.

Zhao Yu stood there, smiling ambiguously, "This kid is too clingy..."


(End of this chapter)

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