Chapter 137 Hey, please let me go

She really wanted to test the power of these creatures quickly.

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny. The Fire Cloud Beast, who was aggressive just now, is now shrugging its head, and has already begun to panic.

Baili Qinxue blinked, a little confused about the situation.

Who can tell her that this stupid thing that is crawling on the ground, shaking its head and wagging its tail to please, is really the fierce and hateful Fire Cloud Beast?
"What's the situation, little bun?" Baili Qinxue was still clutching her staff tightly without letting go.

"I don't know either." Dugu Sheng ate a small red pill, and then he had the strength to get up from the ground. He put his chin in both hands and speculated: "Since my sister summoned the spirit, the fire cloud beast has changed. Presumably, I am afraid of summoners... No, no, this is an expression of fear and respect."

"An ancient summoner can command a hundred beasts. Is it possible that this is the fear and respect left over from thousands of years? But it cannot be ruled out that it is cheating..." Baili Qinxue was dubious, and approached cautiously with a staff in hand.

The Fire Cloud Beast trembled, like a little beast being bullied, blah blah, it actually met a legendary summoner, that kind of big man has never appeared in thousands of years, but it met today, so scary and majestic , Scared the beast to death.

"Ho Ho—" Boo Boo, please let me go.

Seeing Baili Qinxue approaching slowly, the Fire Cloud Beast raised its head to the sky and roared a few times, then took a few steps back.

Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes, she understood what this monster was roaring, she was really scared, looking at its trembling little body, it was hard to imagine that it was so majestic and cruel just now.

"Are you afraid?" Baili Qinxue pointed her staff at its face, and said in a low voice, "Just now you were so majestic, you dared to hurt my companion, my little bun, and even took my life. You said how should I punish you, should I kill you directly or slowly torture you?"

It suddenly widened its eyes, obviously understanding.

This summoner is too cruel and terrifying, and he can still communicate with a beast like it, so powerful and majestic!
"Ho Ho Ho—" Please let me go, please let me go, I don't dare anymore.

Baili Qinxue sneered: "Are you begging for mercy? It's already too late."

She waved her magic staff, intending to drive the Fire Cloud Beasts to extinction, but Dugu Sheng stepped forward with her short legs, tugged at her sleeves and stopped her: "Sister, no."

Baili Qinxue lowered her eyes and frowned, "Why not?"

Baili Qinxue had no sympathy for this fierce and terrifying Fire Cloud Beast.

"Didn't my sister say that she wanted the Fire Cloud Beast as a mount?" Dugu Sheng blinked, and said again: "Besides, the perverted ugly man is still in a coma, how can the two of us lift it? Although this Fire Cloud Beast is hateful , but it is fast and strong, let it carry a top three son, my sister kept it and called it a coolie to make amends."

Fire Cloud Beast saw Dugu Sheng stop it, and heard him babble a lot, obviously pleading for it. Fire Cloud Beast got excited, blinked its big wet eyes, and nodded humanly.

"Ho Ho Ho—" willing to be a coolie, willing to be called, and willing to dedicate his heart to Master Summoner.

Baili Qinxue had no choice but to cover her forehead, the ferocious Fire Cloud Beast had become so dog-legged, she couldn't get used to it for a while, but Dugu Sheng's words were right, they couldn't lift Zhao Yu and the others at all.

Baili Qinxue thought about it carefully for a long time, and then said: "It's okay to be a coolie to atone for your sins, but you must swear that if you are as crazy and cruel as you are today in the future, I will definitely not show mercy."


(End of this chapter)

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