Chapter 138 Contract Fire Cloud Beast

Seeing that there was a hope of life, the Fire Cloud Beast nodded frantically, even if its skin was peeled off, it would not dare to challenge Lord Summoner.

"Okay, you follow me." Baili Qinxue thought for a while and suddenly felt something was wrong, and said with a frown, "No, you have already been contracted by Xilanming, how can I enslave you, and then be discovered by Xilanming Another pile of troubles, as expected, it would be better to kill you..."

The Fire Cloud Beast showed a pitiful expression again, it was not its fault that it was contracted, it didn't want to die.

"Sister, you don't have to worry." Dugu Sheng crossed his arms around his chest, and raised his bun face to look like a grandpa, "The blood of the summoner is a treasure, it can purify the hostility of monsters, and it can also make the contracts of monsters automatically. Undo it, and at the same time let the monsters make a contract with themselves."

Baili Qinxue listened intently and couldn't help being a little surprised, not only for blood, but also for this little bun's rich experience, I'm afraid an adult can't compare to him.

Where did this person come from, to know so much?
"Sister, hurry up and make a contract, that big boy is not worthy of this Fire Cloud Beast." Dugu Sheng kept tugging on Baili Qinxue's sleeve, a little hasty and excited, he really wanted to see the Summoner's contract soon The majestic appearance of Warcraft.

Baili Qinxue touched her forehead, she cut her finger lightly on the top of the staff, and a little blood slowly flowed out. She dripped the blood onto the Fire Cloud Beast's forehead, and a ray of pale gold shrouded them all at once. When she got up, her clothes fluttered, and the pale gold reflected on her cheeks, making her look even more glamorous.

Dugu Sheng propped his head up and watched quietly, two little hers were reflected in his pupils.

Not long after, the light dissipated, and Baili Qinxue's consciousness also had a connection with the Fire Cloud Beast. Does this mean that the contract has been successful?

The Fire Cloud Beast sticks out its tongue, the flames on its body have long since faded away, and now its tail is wagging even more happily, like a cute dog, but it is too big, it jumps around Baili Qinxue, obviously I'm in a great mood.

"Sister, your contract is successful." Dugu Sheng ran over and grabbed the Fire Cloud Beast by the tail. The Fire Cloud Beast arched its body sensitively and shook it three times. Dugu Sheng clenched it maliciously, and said with a smile: "Sister , let's quickly make this fire cloud beast a coolie, so that it can make atonement as soon as possible."

Huoyun Beast blinked its big eyes. It's too bad that this wicked child actually bullies beasts.

"Little Baozi is right." Baili Qinxue gently pressed the Fire Cloud Beast's head, and there was a hard and hot feeling spreading between her fingertips. It's not good either, she instinctively withdrew her hand, her voice calm.

"It's time for you to redeem your sins. Put Zhao Yu and the others on your back." Baili Qinxue patted it on the back, and the Fire Cloud Beast happily strode forward, making Zhao Yu and the others all three. To carry on the back.

At this moment, the Fire Cloud Beast was subdued, and the three bullies were sent out by the portal. Baili Qinxue suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. The situation was urgent, but now he can relax.

"Sister, get on the back of the Fire Cloud Beast, let's ride it to the open place to be majestic." Dugu Sheng waved to her, and the black pupils under the eyelashes shone with tiny rays of light, as if there was a touch of sparkle Enchanting, unbelievably beautiful.

Baili Qinxue was slightly stunned, how could a little bun be charming?


 Ahhhhhh, I forgot to post the chapter, damn it!

(End of this chapter)

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