Chapter 1375 Does it look like a person?

The maid and the servant looked at each other, their bodies shaking non-stop.

Mr. Mu saw through their thoughts, and ordered a few words, "Leave a few people here and guard them here."

In the end, many disciples were left behind, and the servant girls and servants were relieved.

Mu Lao flicked his sleeves, turned and left, Baili Qinxue and the others followed Mu Lao's footsteps without stopping.

In the end, they found some traces of fighting in the backyard. Following these traces, they finally found Ye Qianqiu's body and an unknown body behind the rockery.

Mu Lao narrowed his eyes and hurried up to check.

After a summoner finally appeared, he didn't expect that the final outcome would be like this. Mr. Mu pursed his lips, feeling a little regretful in his heart, and also sighed a little uncomfortable.

"Others say it's the Dark Guild's fault, do you look around for signs of the Dark Guild?" Elder Mu took Ye Qianqiu's body out and placed it upside down. When he saw it, his pupils shrank.

"How come..." Mu Lao muttered to himself.

Baili Qinxue saw that something was wrong with Mu Lao, so she also leaned over to take a look... she couldn't help being startled.

Ye Qianqiu was also extremely handsome, but now, for some unknown reason, half of her cheeks started to fester, and it was so festered that she couldn't see her original appearance.

Evil technique...

This word would pop up in Baili Qinxue's mind.

Dugu Sheng probably knew what she was thinking, reached out and shook her fingertips, with a smile in his eyes.

Baili Qinxue smiled and felt relieved.

The others also saw Ye Qianqiu like this, and after being stunned for a moment, they felt so strange.

This face was fine yesterday, why did it become like this the next morning? The degree of festering is not man-made. People from the Dark Guild would not do such boring things. matter.

For a while, everyone was silent.

"Old Mu, come and have a look, there is indeed a sign of a dark public household here." The call of a disciple broke the silence.

Mu Lao regained consciousness in an instant, and walked towards the source of the sound, and soon saw the skull mark engraved on the ground. There were two horizontal bones under the skull, which looked particularly terrifying.

"This is indeed the mark of the Dark Guild." Mu Lao rubbed the mark on the ground and murmured.

The marking strokes of the Dark Guild are special, and ordinary people can't imitate them at all.

Baili Qinxue also leaned forward to take a look, it was similar to Xilan Manyue's painting last time, but the one in front of her was more delicate and terrifying.

"Old Mu, come and take a look at this corpse..." A disciple exclaimed again.

Elder Mu looked over, and saw a disciple trembling in front of another unknown corpse, Elder Mu was suspicious, so he walked over to investigate.

"Let's go over and have a look." Baili Qinxue said, and walked over.
Others followed suit.

The corpse on the ground was also turned upside down. When Mu Lao took a look, his pupils constricted again. This corpse felt so disgusting...

The skin of the corpse's whole body had already festered, and the skin of the face was the same as Ye Qianqiu's, more than half of it had festered, but the other cheek was intact, and Elder Mu could also see the appearance of this person from it.

After looking over carefully, Mu Lao's pupils were rounded, his face full of disbelief.

"Old Mu, what's the matter?" Baili Qinxue saw that something was wrong with him, and slowly bent down.

Elder Mu pointed to the corpse on the ground, and said, "Quickly take a look, does this corpse look like a person..."


(End of this chapter)

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