Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1376 It's actually Mentor He Lan!

Chapter 1376 It's actually Mentor He Lan!
Baili Qinxue looked in the direction of his finger, and couldn't help being stunned. After she was stunned, she recovered her usual expression, and said, "Well, it's very similar to Teacher Helan."

The others also looked over, indeed, they looked very much like Teacher Helan.

Elder Mu quickly regained his composure, and said calmly, "What does it mean to look like Teacher He Lan? It's clearly Teacher He Lan, but why are you here?"

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, thinking that Cang Molian's disciple said that there were remnants of magic found near the iron cage, Ye Qianqiu was not only a fake summoner, but also a magician.

In order to save people, magic was used, so there are remnants of magic.

Coupled with the fact that both of them have traces of practicing evil kung fu, it is very likely that Teacher He Lan was rescued by Ye Qianqiu, and thinking of the mysterious person next to Ye Qianqiu yesterday, it should be Teacher He Lan without a doubt.

Because of practicing evil skills, walking is so mechanical, like a puppet.

Baili Qinxue guessed yesterday that the mysterious person might be Instructor Helan. After all, the monsters in the forest began to disappear after Instructor Helan was rescued. Combined with everything that happened yesterday, it all makes sense.

"Maybe he was saved by Mr. Ye..." A disciple cautiously guessed.

Old Mu frowned, but he didn't deny what the disciple said, "There are remnants of magic around the iron cage. If Ye Qianqiu did it, it can be explained, but why?"

The disciple fell silent.

Mentor He Lan is already useless, Ye Qianqiu has no reason to save him, and their usual relationship is not good.

Mu Lao frowned, also a little puzzled.

Baili Qinxue glanced at the corpse on the ground again. Before being rescued, Instructor He Lan was still fine. After being rescued, she became like this. Could it be...

Ye Qianqiu rescued Instructor He Lan just to let him practice evil skills and make him his right-hand man?

Baili Qinxue frowned in thought, her eyes darkened slightly.

"You are here too." Chu Yuedao's voice came from beside my ear.

Zhao Yu smiled, and exchanged some pleasantries with them, "Yes, you also got the news, did you come to take a look?"

Feng Ren and Bai Xie hugged their shoulders and drank together.

The other three thieves flattened their mouths, traitors!

"Yes, yes, we heard that Ye Qianqiu died, and we thought it was strange, so we came to have a look." At the end, Chu Yuedao put on a serious face, "Yesterday it was fine, why is it that today? died?"

The smile in Qin Ge's eyes fell, and his expression was serious, "I heard that it was the Dark Guild who made the move. Is the news accurate?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yu and the others pointed to the marks on the ground. Qin Ge lowered his eyes and narrowed his eyebrows, "Sure enough, the Dark Guild did it. Why is that?"

Cang Molian flicked her sleeves, her voice was still calm and did not fluctuate, "The Dark Guild has been catching people with the most yin physique, and those who have the most yin physique are closely related to summoners. This situation has also occurred in Xinghua City , it seems that the Dark Guild has been making plans for a long time."

Qin Ge nodded after hearing this, "Yesterday was a college battle. Ye Qianqiu revealed his identity as a summoner in the college battle, and he will definitely get everyone's attention. I believe people from the Dark Guild are also in it. When the target appears, it starts to act.”

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Qin Ge couldn't help feeling a little sorry.

It's rare for a summoner to appear, has it fallen again?
However, I always felt that something was wrong with the corpse, half of the cheeks were festered, it was strange...


(End of this chapter)

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