Chapter 1377 Corpse, so strange!
"Look, isn't this Teacher He Lan?" Chu Yuedao pointed at another corpse and exclaimed.

Qin Ge and the others looked over and found that it was indeed He Lan's mentor.

"I was saved by Ye Qianqiu, why?" Qin Ge was slightly stunned, unable to think of a reason for the first time.

Elder Mu stood up and couldn't help sighing, "This is really strange, Ye Qianqiu is dead, no one knows what he was trying to do to save Teacher Helan, and look at Teacher Helan's body..."

When Chu Yuedao looked over, she was taken aback and almost vomited.

"It's disgusting, it's all rotten." He covered his mouth.

Elder Mu sighed, "Yeah, it's disgusting and weird, and I don't know what happened."

"It's really strange. If Ye Qianqiu is still alive, he can tell one thing or two." Qin Ge also sighed, and quickly looked away.

Yun Shen was timid, seeing how scary the corpse was, he hid behind Qin Ge's back.

"What do you think about this matter?" Cang Molian turned sideways, quietly looking at Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng.

It always felt like Baili Qinxue knew something.

Baili Qinxue bent her lips and said with a smile: "I can't say why, Mr. Ye was fine yesterday, but I didn't expect him to turn out like this today, what a pity."

Those were just speculations, she wouldn't say anything casually.

Dugu Sheng didn't speak, and kept pinching Baili Qinxue's fingers to play with.

Cang Molian withdrew her gaze, still calm as usual, "Well, it's really a pity that Ye Qianqiu fell like this at such a young age."

Baili Qinxue smiled and said nothing.

Mu Lao ordered his disciples to bring two stretchers, trying to put the body in place.

At this time, a disciple ran in, panting badly, "Old Mu, the Ye family in the Northern Continent received the news of Young Master Ye's death, and they have come to the house now."

Elder Mu had already carried the body onto the stretcher. Hearing what his disciple said, he couldn't help but said, "It's just in time. It's better for Ye Qianqiu's body to be placed by them. We just need to take He Lan back."

As soon as he finished speaking, people from the Ye family walked in.

The leader was a middle-aged man with a serious expression, followed by a graceful and luxurious woman, who was crying with a handkerchief, her face was flushed from crying, and her eyes were swollen like walnuts.

Baili Qinxue glanced at it.

The middle-aged man should be Ye Qianqiu's father, and the crying woman should be his mother.

Now that a prostitute has died, the rare fake summoner must be very sad.

The disciples carried the stretcher out, and when Madam Ye saw Ye Qianqiu's body, she cried and threw herself on it, "My son, my son, why did you die, you were fine a few days ago... ..."

Master Ye's face was sullen, although not as exaggerated as Mrs. Ye's, but the circles of his eyes were red, "Old Mu, what's going on?"

Mu Lao's face darkened, and he sighed, "It should be someone from the dark public household who did it."

Master Ye frowned, stunned, "How could my son offend the Dark Guild?"

Elder Mu sighed again, "The Dark Guild has been catching people with the most yin physique. Ye Qianqiu is a summoner who has been difficult for thousands of years, so he was naturally targeted by the Dark Guild..."

Master Ye fell silent.

Mrs. Ye threw herself on the dead body and cried loudly, "Tiansha's Dark Guild, my Qianqiu, you died so badly...Master, Master, you must avenge Qianqiu."


(End of this chapter)

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