Chapter 1378 The Dark Guild, Unbeatable

Baili Qinxue glanced at Mrs. Ye a few times. Could such a mysterious dark guild be defeated by a little Ye family?
Master Ye pursed his lips, hesitating, obviously thinking about something.

"Master, you must be the master of Qianqiu..." Mrs. Ye was still crying, crying until her head hurts.

Master Ye lowered his eyes, and after a long while he murmured, "Don't cry, take Qianqiu home first and then make a long-term plan."

Baili Qinxue glanced at Master Ye, knowing that she couldn't beat the Dark Guild, she decided to settle the matter. If the Dark Guild was a useless little place, they probably would have brought people to kill it.

Mrs. Ye paused, she might have guessed his thoughts, she cried more and more fiercely.

Master Ye's face darkened, and he yelled at her a few words, "Don't cry, do you want Qianqiu to have a hard time underground?"

Madam Ye widened her eyes and sobbed a few times, and finally stopped crying, "Master, let's take Qianqiu back quickly, I don't want him to be unable to find his way home."

Master Ye held his forehead, his eyes turned red again.

Mu Lao ordered his disciples to carry the stretcher out.

"Mu Lao doesn't need to send it off, we brought people here too." Master Ye stopped Mu Lao from taking the initiative, and hurriedly ordered the young man to come over and carry the stretcher.

The servant carried the stretcher, Master Ye hugged Mrs. Ye and left, Mrs. Ye leaned into Master Ye's arms and cried a few more times. Soon, they walked away, and the backyard of the house became a little quieter.

Mu Lao ordered his disciples to carry out Teacher He Lan's body.

In the front yard, the maids and servants were kneeling on the ground and shivering, apparently they hadn't recovered yet, and when they saw the corpse on the stretcher, they screamed timidly.

"Let me ask you, do you know this person?" Elder Mu pointed to the corpse on the stretcher.

Baili Qinxue and the others followed behind, watching quietly.

The servant girl and the servant took a look, then quickly moved their eyes away, "Why is this person so scary, there is no such person in the house..."

"Wait, the clothes on this man are a bit familiar, ah, I remembered...he is the mysterious man who has been following the young master these days." A servant called out.

Mu Lao's eyes lit up, "When did you start following?"

"In the past few days, however, he has always been mysterious. No one has seen his appearance. It turns out that he looks so ugly." The boy recalled for a moment.

Seeing the opportunity, Mr. Mu continued to ask with a smile, "Then do you know why your young master brought such a mysterious person back to him?"

The boy scratched his head and said, "This man seems to have been brought back by you two nights ago. As for why, how do we boys know?"

Now I can only understand that the person was really brought back by Ye Qianqiu. As for what he brought back, he still has no way of knowing. Seeing that they don't know anything, Mu Lao can only give up.

"Take Master Helan back." Mu Lao ordered, then turned to look at Baili Qinxue and the others, "Hurry up and go back, I didn't expect our Moon City to be so restless these days."

So many people died all at once, Elder Mu sighed again, looking haggard.

Qin Ge patted Mu Lao on the shoulder and said a few words of comfort silently.

"It's their fate, Mr. Mu, you don't have to worry about it." Cang Molian lifted her thin lips, her eyes were still calm.

Elder Mu nodded, turned around and left with his disciples.

After Mr. Mu and the others left, the house became even more silent.

"Aren't you going to the World of Warcraft Forest to practice?" Cang Molian looked at Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng.


(End of this chapter)

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