Chapter 1379
Baili Qinxue turned sideways, nodded and said, "Well, I'll be leaving in a few days."

Cang Molian responded, her picturesque eyebrows and eyes were bent, and she seemed to be tainted with a faint smile, "Last time TOEFL, the herbs irrigated with well water really got better and better, although they are still not as good as yours. , but much better than my previous ones.”

Space well water, how could it be bad.

Chu Yuedao continued to talk, and said: "It's really super good, I saw it too, I didn't expect you to really not lie."

The corner of Baili Qinxue's mouth twitched, is she the kind of person who can lie?
"Xiao Yuedao can't speak, don't mind, don't mind..." Bai Xie hugged Chu Yuedao's neck.

Baili Qinxue couldn't help laughing, Chu Yuedao was talking in a hurry, she still couldn't speak.

"But to be honest, those herbs are really good." Chu Yuedao pushed and yelled at the white scorpion, and praised the herbs when he had time.

Baili Qinxue smiled, but said nothing.

Cang Molian and the others stood for a while, then left after talking.

As soon as they left, Dugu Sheng squeezed the back of her hand, and asked quietly, "Did you do something in the Cangmolian Well?"

Baili Qinxue lowered her voice and said, "I'll talk to you when I get back."

The deaths of Ye Qianqiu and Teacher He Lan, they didn't take it seriously, and they forgot about it when they turned their heads.

Zhao Yu looked at the gloomy house, quickly rubbed his arms and said, "This house is also very gloomy when someone just died, let's go quickly."

Lin Wanwan tilted his head, blinked his confused eyes and teased, and said, "Well, Ah Yu is so timid..."

Zhao Yu stared angrily, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm not timid."

"Didn't you say you want to leave?" Wei Nanzi paused and frowned, "They are almost at the gate, why don't you leave?"

Zhao Yu saw that there was no one around him, his heart trembled, and he quickly ran up, "What are you doing so fast, stop and wait for me..."

Back at the academy, Dugu Sheng directly took Baili Qinxue to a sparsely populated place.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and smiled, "Zhao Yu is right, you are indeed clingy."

"I'm only sticking to you." Dugu Sheng pinched her face, feeling as slippery as egg white, "Did you add space well water to Cang Molian's well water?"

He couldn't put it down and squeezed a few more times.

Baili Qinxue brushed his hand away, seeming a little angry, "Don't knead my face like dough, I'm not a child..."

"Quickly answer me." Dugu Sheng squeezed her fingers, his eyes were stained with the haze of the sun.

Baili Qinxue generously admitted, "It's only a little bit. He lent me Kayin, and he didn't care about me killing him. He is a kind person, and he should give him some small gifts."

Dugu Sheng laughed, "It's obviously a big gift."

Baili Qinxue was silent for a moment, and said again: "Let's get ready and go to the Demonic Beast Forest in a day or two."

Dugu Sheng replied: "Okay."

After resting at East County College for a day or two, the instructors and students of Xiling College were about to set off to go back. When they came, they were covered with carpets, and when they returned, they were still covered with carpets. The instructors still rode in the flying carriage, but there was an old Lin missing in the carriage. .

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng were going to the World of Warcraft Forest, but they didn't go with them.

Before leaving, Liu Cheng was in a good mood. She finally didn't have to look at that little bitch's face on the way, and she could sit with Mu Liu.


(End of this chapter)

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