Chapter 1391 Miss, what do you want to do?
"Axue must think so too." Dugu Sheng hugged her slender waist tightly, and couldn't help but kissed her on the neck.

The numbness spread instantly, and Baili Qinxue felt hot all over.

"Hey, don't make trouble." Baili Qinxue pushed his head, Dugu Sheng refused to accept it and licked her neck a few times, Baili Qinxue trembled all over, blushing as if dripping blood.

After eating enough tofu, Dugu Sheng was willing to let go, and Baili Qinxue glared at him.

Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were full of amorous feelings, Dugu Sheng swallowed her saliva, and almost pounced on her again.

Baili Qinxue summoned the stupid cat.

After a little effort, the stupid cat helped them get their faces changed.

They were originally two particularly prominent faces, but now they seem to be covered with dust and become ordinary. Even if they stay in the crowd, they will not be discovered. Baili Qinxue is very satisfied, it will be much more convenient to do bad things like this up.

Baili Qinxue called the stupid cat in. At this time, there was another noise from there.

On Ye Huansha's side, it seems that another group of people has come.

There were not many people in that group, only a man and a woman, the woman was quite beautiful, her eyes seemed to be able to talk, and she looked watery.

The man is tall and burly, with a few scars on his face, he looks a bit ordinary.

Ye Huansha glanced at them a few times, and seeing that the man was ugly, she couldn't help but show disgust. Suddenly, she turned her eyes to the woman, and her eyes lit up.

She likes beautiful women, they are very collectible, especially... those eyes.

Ye Huansha concealed the ecstasy in her heart, smiled and asked: "Who are you, have you not seen that this territory is occupied by us?"

She put on the airs of a young lady, looking quite imposing.

A man and a woman were not frightened, the woman stood up and smiled softly, her eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of colorful glazed light, she was generous and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Miss, we brothers and sisters came here to practice, Suddenly we saw the smell of monster meat coming from here, we were attracted here, I am sorry if I disturbed the girl."

"Don't you have anything to eat?" Ye Huansha blinked her eyes, looking innocent and harmless.

The woman paused for a moment, and said rather embarrassedly: "Yeah... I don't know what happened today, but I didn't hunt a single demon beast, and we also ran out of dry food, so we are really hungry."

The woman covered her belly, her eyes fluttered as if they were made of water.

Ye Huansha stared into her eyes for a long time, and swallowed, "If you don't mind, I have some freshly roasted monster meat, I can give you some."

The woman and the man looked at each other, and both of them showed joy, "Girl, you are such a good person. It's too late for us to be happy, so why would you dislike me?"

Ye Huansha smiled even more happily.

"Housekeeper, bring some Warcraft meat for them to eat."

The housekeeper brought the monster meat as promised.

A man and a woman gobbled it up, apparently really hungry.

Ye Huansha folded her arms around her chest and looked at her with raised eyebrows, as if she was a queen high above her.

"Housekeeper, ask their names, what are your plans for the future, if you have no plans, invite them to come with us." Ye Huansha stared at the woman's eyes, and licked her dry lips.

The housekeeper couldn't help but tremble when he saw her almost maniacal smile.

"Miss, what do you want to do?"


(End of this chapter)

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