Chapter 1392 Have your own thoughts!
Ye Huansha smiled sideways, "Don't speculate on my thoughts, just follow my orders."

The butler bit the bullet and went forward to inquire.

It soon became known that the woman was Ling Miao, and the man was Ling Feng. The two were brother and sister. They had been in the World of Warcraft forest for a long time. They wanted to stay for a while, but they had already eaten all the food, so they wanted to leave the World of Warcraft. The forest will come again to practice next time.

Ye Huansha winked at the housekeeper.

The housekeeper cleared his throat, and said: "According to our lady's wishes, if you don't mind, you can come with us. As for the food on the way, you don't have to worry about it, we will prepare everything."

The two looked at each other and immediately became happy.

"Will this trouble you too much?"

The housekeeper was about to say something, but was interrupted by Ye Huansha, "Of course it won't be troublesome, Miss Ben can still do it with a little food."

The eyes of the two people lit up, and they bowed to thank each other: "Thank you for your kindness, Miss. I don't know Miss's name. In the future, we brothers and sisters will definitely repay it with all our strength."

"Ye Huansha from the Ye Family in the Northern Continent." Ye Huansha smiled crookedly, "You don't need to give me your full strength, but you just need to give me something good from you."

Ling Miao was inexplicable, "What good thing?"

Ye Huansha took a deep breath, trying to suppress the ecstasy in her heart, "I'll tell you when the time comes, I will prepare a beautiful bottle, it must be very suitable for you..."

Ye Huansha didn't continue, which made Ling Miao a little confused.

Soon, Ling Miao recovered, and together with Ling Feng, they ate the monster meat, but their eyes rolled around Ye Huansha and the others.

The Ye Family in the Northern Continent, such a noble mansion, must have brought a lot of treasures with them when they went out, and even the robes on the young servants were so bright and beautiful.

The siblings swallowed, big fat sheep.

"Miss, even if it's for your hobby, you can't bring people who don't understand you with you." The housekeeper said earnestly, "Although they say that, it doesn't rule out the possibility that they are lying."

Ye Huansha picked out her ears, but didn't listen at all, "Just treat them as lying, when did this lady suffer again?"

The housekeeper pursed his lips, "Miss still has to pay attention, we think there is something wrong with the eyes of the two of you."

"I think their eyes are very good." Ye Huansha showed enthusiasm, "Especially her eyes, they are very suitable for collection..."

The butler stroked his arm subconsciously, and quickly stepped aside.

Ye Huansha went up with a flick of her sleeves, and immediately became hot with the Ling family brothers and sisters.

Baili Qinxue watched from a distance, and the corners of her mouth curled up, "I'm afraid it will be fun next time, not only Ye Huansha, but the Ling family brothers and sisters also have their own plans, and something wonderful will happen next."

"Then shall we make a move?" Dugu Sheng stroked the back of her hand.

Baili Qinxue said with a smile: "Let them compete with snipe and clam, and we'll just watch the show from the tree. If necessary, we can help them behind the scenes to make the show more perfect."

Dugu Sheng's eyes lit up, "Interesting, I like watching good plays the most."

As night fell, the two casually got something to eat.

Over there, Ye Huansha and the others hunted down a lot of monsters, and they were setting up a bonfire to roast the meat of the monsters.

The two brothers and sisters of the Ling family sat aside very politely, but their eyeballs kept rolling, as if they were thinking about something.


(End of this chapter)

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