Chapter 1393 Want to dig out your eyes!

Ye Huansha sat on the side, looking into Ling Miao's eyes through the light and fire, those eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of water mist, rippling layers of ripples, Ye Huansha licked the corner of her mouth, looking a little absorbed.

Ling Miao trembled, put away the little thoughts in her eyes and sat upright, and smiled at her.

Ye Huansha narrowed her eyes and smiled softly at her.

The boys were still roasting the monster meat, Ling Feng felt sorry and stood up to help.

"Let's leave it to me to bake. Thanks to Ms. Ye's care, I want to do something too."

The boys looked at each other, and finally nodded, "Then leave it to you."

Ling Feng smiled honestly, and quickly took over the work in their hands. When the servants went to the side and crossed their legs to talk, the color of his eyes changed, and the arc reflected under the moonlight seemed a little strange.

The Warcraft meat that Ye Huansha ate was roasting, and Ling Miao glanced cautiously, as if looking for an opportunity.

The butler's monster meat was already roasted, Ye Huansha narrowed her eyes, and helped the butler sprinkle a little seasoning on it, and when it was all done, she cut off the monster meat and sent it to Ling Miao herself.

"Sister Ling Miao is hungry, eat something." Ye Huansha approached.

Ling Miao took the monster meat but didn't eat it, but thanked, "Thank you Miss Ye."

The moonlight fell into Ling Miao's eyes, as if they were studded with pearls. Ye Huansha swallowed her saliva and said, "Sister Ling Miao, eat it while it's hot. This food tastes good only while it's hot."

Perhaps Ye Huansha's gaze was too hot, Ling Miao trembled all over, and took a sip cautiously.

Seeing her opening her mouth, Ye Huansha's smile became more and more strange and hot.

Ling Miao winked at Ling Feng, and Ling Feng immediately handed over the monster meat.

"Miss Ye, I baked it too. If you don't dislike it, you can eat it." Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled naively.

Ye Huansha glanced at it, and took it for Ling Miao's sake.

She took a symbolic sip, then walked over to the housekeeper and sat down, "This is something baked by the untouchables, you can eat it, I don't want it."

After finishing speaking, he handed it to the butler calmly.

The butler took it, glanced at it and threw it on the ground, and re-roasted some monster meat.

After drinking and eating, everyone fell asleep.

The moonlight was faint, scattered on the ground, and in an instant, it illuminated the ground under their feet.

At this moment……

Ye Huansha got up suddenly, and ran towards Ling Miao's tent cautiously.

She went in lightly, and saw Ling Miao sleeping soundly on the bed, looking unshakable, no wonder, she had already taken the Ye family's special drug, even if her eyes were gouged out now, she would not wake up.

Ye Huansha took out the Duan dagger in her arms, her eyes were almost fanatical.

Those wonderful eyes, those wonderful eyes, must be cherished, must be...

She approached slowly holding the dagger, she had to slow down, slow down, and she must not hurt the beautiful eyeballs, but at this time...

Ling Miao suddenly opened her eyes.

Ye Huansha was taken aback, and the hand holding the dagger also froze, "Why are you awake?"

Ling Miao looked at the dagger in her hand, and there was a flash of understanding in her eyes, "Miss Ye is really smart, she knew that we must have a purpose in mixing with you, so she made preparations in advance, but, do you think we didn't find out?"

Ye Huansha's eyes froze, what do you mean?
Taking advantage of the moment she was in a daze, Ling Miao kicked the dagger out of her hand.

Sensing Ling Miao's murderous aura, Ye Huansha suddenly came back to her senses, "With my intelligence, I naturally found out that something is wrong with you, so what do you guys really want?"


(End of this chapter)

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