Chapter 1419 Bitch, don't hide!

Qi Zhe watched coldly, scolding the two of them thousands of times in his heart.

Nima, I really thought I was some kind of person, I walked so slowly, I thought I was taking a walk, damn it.

Other mercenaries also complained.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng were enjoying themselves and didn't care about other people's eyes at all.

When the two approached, Qi Zhe smiled coldly, with angry eyes wishing to cut them into pieces, "It's finally here, we've been waiting for a long time, can we compete now?"

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng looked at each other, their eyes were full of arrogance, Qi Zhe and the others were so angry that their cheeks were livid.

"Then let's start fighting." Baili Qinxue picked out her ears, and said lightly.

Then, she turned sideways... She didn't pay attention to them at all.

Gritting his teeth angrily, Qi Zhe greeted the mercenaries beside him and rushed towards them.

There are warriors and magicians among the mercenaries, all of which are not high-level, but they can also exert a lot of power when mixed together.

The two stood there without moving, as if they were watching a puppet show, without any tension at all.

"Miss, the conflict has shifted now, let's leave first." The housekeeper pulled Ye Huansha's sleeve and wanted to leave, he was afraid of getting into trouble again.

Ye Huansha brushed the butler away and said, "I want to watch the competition, so I don't want to leave."

The butler staggered, and hurriedly supported the things beside him, so as not to let himself fall, "It's just an ordinary competition, there is nothing interesting at all, miss, let's go quickly."

Ye Huansha glared at him, and said: "A slave is a slave, and I can't see the essence behind the competition at all."

The butler pursed his lips, unable to understand at all.

Ye Huansha glanced at him, and said with disgust: "Don't you find it interesting that two very ordinary men and women are going to fight with a bunch of mercenaries, and there is no doubt about the strength of these mercenaries. Is this the bravery of a common man, or is there enough arrogant capital, I really want to know, it always feels so interesting."

The housekeeper shuddered, did Ye Huansha take a fancy to some organ on that man and woman again?

"Miss, what do you want to do?" The housekeeper swallowed, his eyes sank.

"I don't want to do anything." Ye Huansha squinted her eyes, her face was gloomy, and in an instant, her cheeks suddenly brightened again, "Look, butler, that man and woman started moving, and they looked so fast."

The butler looked up and was taken aback.

Where does it look so fast, it is clearly extremely fast, just like a shooting star.

Fast, leaving only afterimages.

Qi Zhe and the others were played around, and when they were about to attack, they turned around and fled to another place.

After more than half an hour, Qi Zhe and the others couldn't get any benefits at all, and they were exhausted and paralyzed.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng didn't attack either, they were playing with them intentionally.

"These two sluts are playing with us." Qi Zhe gritted his teeth and swears directly.

When the other mercenaries heard the words, they also cursed angrily.

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, stepped down abruptly, his crimson robe was fluttering in the wind, and in an instant, the clothes seemed to be covered with a layer of condensation.

"Bitch?" Dugu Sheng's gaze sank, and he looked at them deeply, "Are you scolding us?"

His eyes were deep and terrifying, Qi Zhe and the others were almost terrified.

In the end, it was Qi Zhe who came to his senses first, and he said: "You have been dodging all this time, and you have no intention of making a move. So what if we scold you, or do you know that you can't beat us who dodged on purpose?"


(End of this chapter)

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