Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1420 Axue is in charge of being beautiful...

Chapter 1420 Axue is in charge of being beautiful...

Dugu Sheng raised his lips, smiling very strangely, and there was a ray of cold shattered light in his eyes, "Do you want us to take action?"

Qi Zhe was taken aback by his gaze again, but quickly calmed down again, "Of course, since it's a competition, we of course hope that you will make a move, and it's you who show your true skills."

Dugu Sheng seemed to understand, nodded obediently, but the curvature of the corners of his lips became deeper and deeper, "Well, I understand, then I'll take the shot, but I don't need to show my true skills to deal with you."

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, "What about you and me?"

Dugu Sheng squeezed her palm, and said with a smile: "You stand where you are and take charge of the beautiful appearance, and I can handle this group of youngsters by myself, can you, Axue?"

His eyes were dark, and when he looked at Baili Qinxue, the coldness in his eyes had already turned into the purest and most indulgent smile.

Baili Qinxue seemed to be bewitched, and nodded with a smile, "Okay, I'll leave everything to you, and teach them a lesson."

With permission, Dugu Sheng snapped off his fingers, and a slight display of aura on his body would make Qi Zhe's legs tremble.

"What a bunch of useless things." Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, in his eyes Qi Zhe and the others were just a bunch of useless trash.

Qi Zhe and the others looked at each other, what do you mean, just come and fight alone, and don't take them seriously at all?

"Just you? Are you underestimating us, or overestimating yourself?" Qi Zhe raised his eyebrows, feeling more and more that Dugu Sheng was a bit overwhelmed.

"In my eyes, you are nothing compared to anything." Dugu Sheng sneered.

Qi Zhe and the others were completely mad with anger, they looked at each other, and swarmed towards Dugu Sheng.

In an instant, this move flashed in front of Dugu Sheng's eyes.

Dugu Sheng didn't hide, but just stood where he was, and those attacks couldn't hurt him at all, as if hitting cotton.

Qi Zhe and the others were depressed. They tried their best to injure him, but they couldn't hurt him at all.

what is this?
Qi Zhe gritted his teeth, trying to see Dugu Sheng's level, but he couldn't see anything. He turned to look at Baili Qinxue, but he couldn't see anything either.

Is this... Could it be that their level is very high, so they can hide it?
Qi Zhe bit his lip, his legs trembling involuntarily.

Dugu Sheng didn't have any weapons prepared, so he directly charged forward with bare hands, "Qi Zhe is not good looking around, you guys had a really good fight just now, now it's time for me to make a move."

Qi Zhe shuddered, Dugu Sheng's deep voice surrounded his ears.

Before he could fully react, Dugu Sheng had already made a move, knocking him out of the arena.

Seeing this, other mercenaries rushed towards Dugu Sheng one after another.

Dugu Sheng squinted his eyes, and shot quickly and accurately, he swept them all out of the fighting arena. In an instant, they all fell to the ground one by one like stacked arhats.

Dugu Sheng folded his arms around his chest, looked down at the group of people on the ground from a high position, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, "Now you know how powerful we are, don't you now know that we have the capital of arrogance?"

"Bah, bah, bah..." Qi Zhe ate a bit of dirt when he fell, and he tried to spit it out, "What kind of magic did you use to get us all out of the arena?"

"!" The other mercenaries paused.

They had just deeply felt the power of Dugu Sheng, how could it be a demon method.

"Qi Zhe, please don't say a few words, this man is really amazing..."


(End of this chapter)

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