Chapter 1434 Chairman Bai, am I ugly?

When Ling Miao heard this, her fingertips trembled, "How could it be Chairman Bai? Isn't he in the small town?"

When they chose to attack, they believed that President Bai would stay in the town for a long time, so they secretly followed Ye Huansha out.

Speaking of Ye Huansha, she was also an idiot. When she saw the barren scene in the town, she was terrified. She dragged the housekeeper and wanted to run away. That's why they had a chance to attack.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ran would appear at this time.

Ling Feng subconsciously shook his head, "I don't know either, sister, what should we do now?"

Bai Ran looked at Ye Huansha, who was lying on the ground dying, his face had been ruined, his eyes froze, and in an instant, murderous aura emerged.

Both brothers and sisters of the Ling family were frightened.

Baili Qinxue, who was lying on the tree, stroked her arms pretending to be scared, and said with a smile: "This murderous aura is really not a cover-up, President Bai looks more and more powerful now, and we can feel it from the tree." To that murderous look."

Dugu Sheng turned her little head, blinked his eyes, threw a eyebrow at her, and said with a smile: "Look at what he is doing, I am very mighty too."

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, poked his collarbone without saying a word, and teased: "Wearing a red dress, there is no such thing as mighty at all. Don't make trouble, let's continue to watch the show."

Dugu Sheng was taken aback, only feeling a numbness spreading from his body, followed by a rush of heat.

He swallowed, grabbed the back of Baili Qinxue's head, pecked lightly on her small mouth, and quickly let go.

Baili Qinxue covered her lips, and gave him a hard look, "Watching a play, what are you doing?"

Dugu Sheng pointed at the collarbone that was touched, and said rascally: "You molested me just now, so I will molested you back, that's only fair."

"!" Baili Qinxue couldn't laugh or cry, whether she should be such a rascal.

Even with just a light peck, Dugu Sheng still felt refreshed, and the heat on his body gradually dissipated a lot.

Baili Qinxue turned her head away and ignored him.

Over there, Bai Ran did not know when to save Ye Huansha. Ye Huansha lost too much blood and almost fainted. Bai Ran took out a small red pill and stuffed it in her mouth.

After a small red pill entered his stomach, the blood stains on Ye Huansha's face dried up quickly, but the scars on his face did not disappear.

Ling Miao hit very hard, I'm afraid that the veins on her face have been hurt, and it's impossible to completely heal, Ye Huansha touched her uneven face and almost collapsed.

"President Bai, is my face ugly now?" Ye Huansha covered her cheeks, her eyes widened, looking heartbroken, "President Bai, are you ugly? ?”

Bai Ran pursed her lips, looking hesitant to speak.

It's not just ugly, it's simply appalling. The densely packed scars are intertwined, just like a complicated chessboard, which is very scary.

Seeing that Bairan didn't speak, Ye Huansha took a step back in fright, faintly showing signs of collapse, "Why, why is my face like this, why is my pretty face like this?"

Ye Huansha kept shaking her head, muttering to herself, and at the end, she laughed out loud, her eyes were scarlet.

She looked at the two brothers and sisters of the Ling family, and smiled almost bitterly, "President Bai, they made me look like this, do you know that they are the legendary Fengmiao Shuangsha, who specialize in killing people and seizing treasures for a living?" , This time, men and women dressed in cloaks and entering the trade union must be trying to do something wrong, presumably the disappearance of Lord Bao is also related to them."


(End of this chapter)

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