Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1435 Come out to mix, you have to pay

Chapter 1435 Come out to mix, you have to pay
Fengmiao Shuangsha?

Oh yes, there is a mission for them to catch Feng Miao Shuangsha, probably Li Bao picked them up.

Li Bao disappeared yesterday. If it is true what Ye Huansha said, it makes some sense. This Fengmiao Shuangsha can really harm people.

"What do you guys want to do by joining the trade union?" Bai Ran squinted his eyes, and suddenly became cold, "Is Li Bao's disappearance related to you, and you hurt Miss Ye to win the treasure?"

"What Li Bao, it has nothing to do with us." Ling Feng shouted angrily, "Does President Bai like to impose crimes on others?"

Ling Miao touched the tree trunk, stood up along the trunk, and said: "We entered the mercenary union just to avenge Ye Huansha. It was her, that bitch, who poached my eyeballs out."

Hearing this, Bai Ran noticed that Ling Miao's eyeballs were gone, leaving only two big black holes, which looked extremely eerie and scary, even though he was used to seeing the big world, he also had a momentary heartache. shock.

He subconsciously glanced at Ye Huansha.

How could a weak woman be so vicious?

Ye Huansha was so angry that she jumped up and yelled, "President Bai, don't listen to this little bastard's nonsense, look at my face, she helped me destroy it, you want to avenge me, And ruin her face too."

Bai Ran looked sideways, and could clearly see the hatred in her eyes.

He was startled, and believed Ling Miao's words to some extent.

Ling Miao couldn't see Bai Ran's expression, but he didn't speak at the moment, so he must have some doubts, she laughed and continued: "President Bai, this Ye Huansha is a pervert at all, she likes beautiful things on people, such as Speaking of facial features, such as hands and feet, I only dug them out for collection because I saw that my eyeballs are beautiful."

After that, he shook the bottle in his hand and said, "President Bai, look how well Ye Huansha has preserved my eyeballs."

Bai Ran's scalp was numb, his gaze sank a little, it was so abnormal.

Ling Miao clasped Ling Feng's palm tightly, and continued: "Ye Huansha's purpose of joining the mercenary union is also not pure. I'm afraid President Bai also has something beautiful that attracts her."

Hearing this, Bai Ran had goosebumps all over her body, no wonder she felt a little strange in her eyes in the morning, she didn't expect it to be like this.

Ye Huansha was furious, "President Bai, don't listen to their nonsense, they are both wonderful and evil, as long as you catch them, you can get rich gold coins, President Bai, hurry up and do it."

Bai Ran lowered his eyes to look at her, and found that her resentment became more terrifying, and also more ugly.

"This is a grievance between you, and it is inconvenient for me to intervene." Bai Ran looked away, with a firm and indifferent attitude, "If you come out to mess around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later, but please be careful, both of you, she didn't hurt you life."

After all, he glanced at the two brothers and sisters of the Ling family.

The two brothers and sisters were taken aback. Did he plan to intervene in what he said?

But it was also very clear that he didn't want Ye Huansha to die.

"President Bai wants us to let her go?" Ling Miao opened her lips and asked.

Bai Ran raised her eyebrows, her lips pursed into a straight line, "After all, she is the young lady of the Ye family. Since you are both charming and charming, I will also arrest you and submit the task. Before that, you can handle your own affairs well." resentment."

Ye Huansha was startled, "Bai Ran you... how do you want them to deal with their grievances, I have already been hurt enough."

They are all disfigured, if they go back to the Ye family with this face, they will definitely be looked down upon.


(End of this chapter)

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