Chapter 1465 Interesting Person
Qin Ge suddenly realized, "So it's a race against monsters."

Baili Qinxue smiled and said nothing.

Dugu Sheng changed his posture, and said casually, "I just heard President Cang say that the World of Warcraft race will be held in five days. Could it be that President Cang is also interested in this competition?"

Cang Molian nodded her forehead, still with that quiet look, "Yes, I heard it's very interesting, they want to come and see."

Therefore, he was dragged out by Chu Yuedao and the others.

"We also heard that it was interesting, so we came here." Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows and said casually.

Cang Molian picked up the teacup and said casually, "Since the purpose is the same, we can travel together."

The two looked at each other without speaking.

Chu Yuedao and Bai Xie were taken aback. Cang Molian didn't look like someone who would invite others, and she was the kind of stranger who had only known each other for less than an hour.

It was amazing enough to agree to Master Ye's invitation just now, but I didn't expect that there would be something even more amazing now.

"Qin Ge, what's wrong with President Cang today?" Chu Yuedao asked cautiously, tugging at Qin Ge's clothes.

Qin Ge narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "It's nothing, Xiao Molian just met someone more interesting, you don't have to be too surprised."

Interesting person?
Chu Yuedao didn't understand, and asked slowly: "Qin Ge, I remember you have said this sentence for the second time, what exactly do you mean?"

Qin Ge bent his lips, glanced at him quietly, and then showed a strange expression, then shook his head, "Hey, it's better for you to figure out these things yourself, it won't be interesting after I say it. "

What the hell is it... Chu Yuedao was extremely agitated by him.

Bai Xie and Yun Shen were not much better either, as if they were being lied to about something.

"How about it, my proposal just now?" Cang Molian sat quietly, as if she didn't care about the silence of the two.

Baili Qinxue smiled and said: "Since it is the invitation of President Cang, why don't we agree, it is our honor to travel with President Cang."

Cang Molian nodded slightly, and did not speak again.

Just as he was speaking, Master Ye came in from the outside, followed by many servants.

The servant held a tray in his hand, and there were still a lot of tea and pastries on the tray. The servant removed all the cold tea and cakes and replaced them with some new ones.

Master Ye laughed, and talked to Cang Molian earnestly, "President Cang, are the tea and pastries from my Ye family satisfying your appetite?"

Now that the eldest son is dead and the most anticipated concubine is useless, he has to hug the big tree Cangmolian to have a chance to soar into the sky.

Cang Molian caressed the teacup, the tea had been replaced with hot one, and in an instant, there was a ray of heat flowing from his fingertips, he raised his eyelids, and said softly: "Yes, there is no need to replace it with a new one. gone."

Although it was a symbolic answer, Master Ye still smiled, and he said: "In a little while, you can go to the backyard to eat, President Cang, you sit in the front hall, and when it is time to eat, the servants will come to call you , I have something to go again."

Cang Molian nodded, but said nothing.

Master Ye left with a smile, and the servants followed behind him.

After they left, the front hall became a little quieter again.

Baili Qinxue patted her clothes and stood up, ready to go for a walk in the mansion.

She bent her lips and said: "I think there is still some time before the dinner, I want to go for a stroll in the mansion, President Cang, we will go out first, you can do whatever you want."

After finishing speaking, he and Dugu Sheng got up and left.


(End of this chapter)

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