Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1466 We have never lied since childhood

Chapter 1466 We have never lied since childhood
The Ye family's mansion is very big, when she came in just now she was talking to Dugu Sheng in a low voice, so she didn't take a closer look, now that there are no other people around, she can take a closer look.

The two walked on the path paved with cobblestones, and there were some blooming flowers around. Because it was autumn, the surrounding grass had some traces of withering and yellowing, but it still looked pretty.

The servants are preparing the food for dinner, and they all look busy.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyelids, and in an instant, she saw curls of smoke wafting from the chimney in the kitchen, and she seemed to be able to smell the aroma of food from a distance.

"Qin Ge and Cang Molian probably know our identities." Dugu Sheng smiled and squeezed her fingers.

Baili Qinxue shrugged and didn't take it to heart at all, "They are so smart and they will definitely see something, but so what, they won't say it anyway, don't worry."

Dugu Sheng pinched her face and said: "I'm not afraid, I just want to remind you."

Baili Qinxue smiled, but said nothing.

Dugu Sheng pinched her cheek again, just when he was about to speak, suddenly, his eyes became a little bit colder.

"There is a distinguished guest here..." Baili Qinxue quietly looked forward, her eyes narrowed involuntarily.

"It's really easy for me to find you two. I didn't expect you to hang out here." Ye Huansha walked over with her skirt in her hands, with a graceful figure and lotus steps, and the veil on her face added a bit of hazy beauty. .

If she hadn't been disfigured, she would definitely be able to fascinate the men.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, pretending to be surprised and said, "Miss Ye is looking for us?"

Ye Huansha laughed and said, "Yes, I'm looking for you."

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and put on a flattered look, "What is Miss Ye asking for rough people like us?"

Seeing her flattered look, Ye Huansha was very satisfied, she hurriedly dismissed the maids beside her, and after they walked away, Ye Huansha smiled and said: "Actually, it's no big deal for me to find you. I just want you to do me a favor."

The two pretended to be surprised and were a little dazed.

Baili Qinxue was the first to react, and asked with a little surprise: "We are just two rough people, what can we do to help you, Miss Ye?"

"Don't be humble." Ye Huansha bent her lips and narrowed her eyes, "Since you two can defeat that big guy, how can you be ordinary rough people, and the thing I asked you to help is very simple, I just hope you don't mention what happened in the World of Warcraft Forest to my dad."

Baili Qinxue blinked, and said, "What things should you not mention?"

Ye Huansha didn't know that she was pretending to be stupid, so she hurriedly reminded: "It's the matter of meeting a big guy, and the matter of three people dying because of me. The butler is quite respected by my father. If my father finds out about this I made it up, and I will definitely be too hungry to walk around."

"I see." Baili Qinxue nodded clearly.

Ye Huansha's eyes lit up, she smiled and asked, "Now that you understand, can you keep it a secret for me?"

Baili Qinxue blinked, feeling quite embarrassed, "We have never lied since we were young, and it is really difficult for us to lie, and if we ever lie, we will be struck by lightning."

Dugu Sheng lowered his eyebrows, his shoulders twitched and he almost laughed out loud.


(End of this chapter)

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