Chapter 1467 We want [-] gold coins

Ye Huansha pursed her lips, with a look of hesitation between her eyebrows, she asked: "Then how can I keep it a secret? Shall I give you gold coins, a lot of gold coins for you?"

Hearing this, the two were slightly taken aback.

"Are there a lot of gold coins?" Baili Qinxue's eyes widened, hesitating, "If there are a lot of gold coins, it's not impossible..."

What a bunch of money-seekers...Ye Huansha raised her eyebrows and smiled sarcastically. She raised her head and said, "How about I give you [-] gold coins?"

It's only [-], how about sending the beggar?

Baili Qinxue frowned, seemingly a little dissatisfied, "Twenty thousand gold coins... In fact, after we killed the big guy, President Bai also gave us a lot of gold coins, about fifty or sixty thousand. I feel like lying and beheading The big guys are the same, with huge risks."

There are risks in lying, so go ahead and cheat ghosts.

Just want money.

Ye Huansha pursed her lips, trying not to let herself burst out, she said: "Then I will give you [-] gold coins, so you should keep it a secret from me, right?"

Baili Qinxue played with her fingertips, and she accepted it as soon as she saw it, "Miss Ye is really generous, we will definitely keep our mouths shut, so please rest assured."

After the words fell, he stretched out his hand and asked Ye Huansha for money.

Ye Huansha's face was livid, she took out two bags of gold coins, put them in Baili Qinxue's hands, and left angrily.

Baili Qinxue weighed the bag of gold coins in her hand, bent her lips and smiled, "It's not so easy for us to keep it a secret, and asking her to take out [-] gold coins is considered cheap for her."

Dugu Sheng took the bag of gold coins in her hand, and said with a smile: "She really put up a fight, and actually gave us [-] gold coins. These gold coins are enough for us to eat and drink in the Northern Continent these days."

Baili Qinxue threw the gold coin into the space, and said: "At this moment, as a useless concubine of the Ye family, she can actually take out [-] gold coins. Master Ye really treats her well."

"Perhaps it's the private money that has been hidden all these years." Dugu Sheng smiled with curved lips.

Bai took [-] gold coins. Both of them had smiles on their faces. Seeing that it was getting late, they got up and returned to the front hall.

Cang Molian sat obediently in the front hall.

Chu Yuedao and Bai Xie chatted nonchalantly about some unnutritious topics, Qin Ge and Yun Shen interjected a little, Cang Molian was as quiet as a little fairy, her eyes were quiet and far away, I don't know what I'm looking at.

"Are you back?" Cang Molian raised her eyelids when she heard the noise.

The two nodded, and sat back in their seats with a flick of their sleeves.

The tea in the teacup had already cooled down, and when Baili Qinxue touched it with her hand, she felt a chill running through her fingertips.

Cang Molian seemed to have noticed something, and said in a low voice: "Master Ye didn't ask anyone to refill the tea, maybe it's time to eat."

After all, he looked at the sky outside, and it was already getting dark.

Baili Qinxue bent her lips, and just as she was about to speak, a servant ran in from outside, "President Cang, the master has prepared the meals, you can prepare to go to the backyard for dinner with me."

He said it very respectfully, when he looked at Cang Molian, he lowered his head very low, as if he had a feeling of sinking into the dust.

Cang Molian glanced at him lightly, her eyes were clear, "I see."

Then the head hangs even lower, he finally talked to Cang Molian today, he feels so happy.

Several people stood up, and the servants tremblingly led them to the backyard.


(End of this chapter)

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