Chapter 1479 That cat must have no skills

Xue'er's eyes lit up, she didn't care if it was a summoner in front of her or not, she just ran away, and soon overtook a group of people and was firmly in second place.

Ye Huansha's face immediately turned green. Although there are twenty places, she will be the second one if she can't be the first one. This Liu Cheng is simply abominable, and even overtook her.

Without further ado, she slapped the snowy monkey's butt violently. The snowy monkey was stimulated and rushed forward. In an instant, it left Liu Cheng behind.

Liu Cheng gritted her teeth angrily, it was true that there were wolves before and tigers behind.

"My God, they put one nostril to vent their anger, and now they are fighting inseparably. People are complicated sometimes." Stupid cat glanced at it out of the corner of its eye, and couldn't help but sigh.

Baili Qinxue also noticed what was going on behind her, and couldn't help but smile, "Human, sometimes it's really complicated, you don't have to worry about stupid cats, they just concentrate on running forward."

When the stupid cat heard it, it seemed like it had been injected with chicken blood, and rushed forward with all its strength.

I don't know what kind of power is contained in such a small body. Although it is so small, it runs faster than all the large monsters present, and it runs for so long without panting or getting tired.

Ye Huansha was chasing after her with all her strength. The Snowy Monkey was very fast, but it was still far behind the stupid cat. No matter how she yelled or slapped, she still couldn't surpass the stupid cat in front.

"Damn it, what happened to that stupid cat?" Ye Huansha wondered, seeing that the Snowy Monkey was about to die, she hurriedly slowed down.

If it doesn't drop down, there might be no No. 20. She can't take the risk.

The speed of the snow monkey in front had slowed down, Liu Cheng was overjoyed, and rushed up when he saw the right moment.

Soon, she was running in second.

"This bitch is taking advantage of others..." Ye Huansha cursed angrily, but did not catch up.

Liu Cheng chased to fight Baili Qinxue, and when they were exhausted from fighting, if she chased after them, wouldn't she become No.1?

Ye Huansha thought happily, and the corners of her mouth curled up.

And in front, Liu Cheng was indeed chasing Baili Qinxue relentlessly, and her Xueer kept chasing after her as if she had been injected with chicken blood...

Baili Qinxue thought it was interesting, and didn't threaten Xue'er, but just patted the silly cat on the head and talked to it with her mind.

"Stupid cat, let's slow down a little bit later..." Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and a playfulness flashed in her eyes.

Stupid Cat was stunned for a moment, "Why slow down?"

Although it asked, the speed had already slowed down.

Baili Qinxue bent her lips, smiled without saying a word.

Seeing her playful expression, the stupid cat thought of her bad expression again, for some reason it felt a little sympathetic to Liu Cheng.

The one named Liucheng must be finished, haha.

The stupid cat narrowed its pupils, and then slowed down its pace while talking to itself.

Baili Qinxue supported her head with one hand, and there was no displeasure in her eyes, which was exactly what she wanted.

"Haha, that bitch has slowed down, he must be tired from running, Xue'er, let's catch up quickly." Liu Cheng patted Xue'er on the head, and said, "I knew that bitch, and that bitch The cat is not capable at all, it’s not that it can’t run fast, I guess it won’t even get twenty, haha.”

Hearing her arrogant words, Xue'er raised her head and roared for some reason, and became arrogant too.

It shook its snow-white hair, and chased directly towards the silly cat.


(End of this chapter)

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