Chapter 1480 Is Deliberately Slowing Down

Seeing Xue'er approaching, Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, and did not frighten it with the coercion of the summoner.

Soon, Xueer surpassed the stupid cat...

Liu Cheng looked back and smiled arrogantly, "Just now you said that cats can surpass wolves, what is it that surpasses what?"

Baili Qinxue shrugged indifferently, and said, "This is only temporary, are you really that happy?"

Liu Cheng supported her head with one hand, and said slowly, "Of course I'm happy, because ah, I don't like you, so I must surpass you, surpass you fiercely."

After all, she actually slapped Xue'er's ass fiercely.

In an instant, Xueer ran forward fiercely like a wild horse running wild, and it didn't take long for Baili Qinxue to be thrown far away.

Liu Cheng only felt gusts of howling wind and the incomparably bright sunshine.

Awesome, finally left that bitch behind lol.

Stupid cat blinked Bi Tong, and asked with a smile: "Smelly girl, don't we catch up now?"

Baili Qinxue played with her fingertips, and her eyes were soaked in the sunlight, which seemed to reveal a ray of moisture like water, "Stupid cat, do you have confidence in your speed?"

The stupid cat raised its tail and said arrogantly: "Of course I have confidence. Even if that person is thousands of miles away, I have the confidence to surpass the past."

Baili Qinxue laughed, her eyes clear, "That's all right, we are not in a hurry to catch up, let her squeal for a few seconds, and when others overtake her, she will be even more disappointed and resentful , then it will be fun, won't it?"

Stupid cat was stunned, and became happy, "Smelly girl, I knew you were planning something bad, I didn't expect you to be so bad, aren't you trying to drive people to death?"

Baili Qinxue nodded its head with her hand, and said: "She is running on us so much, I can't stand it if you can swallow your anger, and, aren't you excited too?"

Stupid Cat blinked and looked shy, "You discovered all of this..."

Ahead, Liu Cheng had already run a long way.

Baili Qinxue felt that it was close, so she patted the stupid cat on the head and said, "The stupid cat is fine now, let's catch up quickly, let her taste the feeling of falling into hell..."

She murmured, her voice sounded like a devil singing.

The stupid cat narrowed its eyes, and with a dodge, it rushed away like a shooting star.

In an instant, a small white shadow roared past, and Liu Cheng was stunned seeing the rocket-like stupid cat.

Why did the cat, which was so far behind, charge up?Why is it that a cat is faster than a wolf?
Liu Cheng stared blankly, unable to react at all for a while.

When she came to her senses, the stupid cat had already run far away, and when she looked over, she could only see a small black dot moving.

"Damn bitch, why did you overtake me, why did you run faster than me, you were clearly behind me just now, you were clearly behind me..." Liu Cheng yelled angrily, suddenly, her eyes widened A ray of surprise slowly flashed across the eyes, "Could it be that that bitch did it on purpose, to run so slowly on purpose?"

Her heart trembled, and her eyes immediately became resentful.

This bitch...

She will never let her go.

"Xue'er, rush up and overtake that bitch severely." Liu Cheng slapped Xue'er's butt angrily, Xue'er screamed immediately after being hit hard, and rushed forward with her head covered.

Xue'er went on a rampage, completely ignoring Liu Cheng sitting in the wooden car.


(End of this chapter)

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