Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1497 Where did the strange wind come from?

Chapter 1497 Where did the strange wind come from?

Cang Molian nodded and did not speak again.

It's like a hot face with a cold butt, but Cang Molian has such a temper, and Ye Huansha didn't care too much or get angry.

Liu Cheng glanced at Baili Qinxue, then walked proudly behind Ye Huansha.

Dugu Sheng pinched her face, laughed and said: "This woman is really bad, I just saw her staring at our Axue again."

After the words fell, he narrowed his eyes, and there was a gleam of coldness in his pupils.

Baili Qinxue shrugged indifferently, and said: "I don't care, she likes to stare at me anyway, and I'm used to staring at me."

Dugu Sheng laughed softly, "This habit is really scary..."

Baili Qinxue smiled, but said nothing.

At this time, the noble came slowly with the help of the maid.

The gems on the nobleman's body shone brightly against the sunlight, and Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes. If possible, she really wanted to take all the gems from him and throw them in the Treasure Pavilion to sell for money.

"Has everyone finished eating?" The nobleman was full of joy, rubbing the gemstone on the ring, and walked into the arbor.

The maid helped him pull the chair and poured him another cup of tea.

The tea is hot and steaming, exuding a wonderful tea aroma.

Master Ye got up and bowed: "Thank you for your hospitality, we are all done eating."

The nobleman smiled and did not sit down, but looked at Cang Molian with his teacup in his hands, his expression seemed to be more respectful, "President Cang rarely comes to the palace, the food in the palace is good for your appetite, eat Have to get used to it?"

Cang Molian stood up, with clear eyes, bowed and said, "Very good, he likes Chuyue Island very much."

Chu Yuedao pointed at herself, why did she get close to him?

Although he loves to eat, he would be shy if he said it so blatantly!
Hearing this, the nobleman hooked his lips and said with a smile: "It's so good, I thought the food would not meet President Cang's appetite, which made me a little worried."

Cang Molian slightly parted her thin lips, and said, "You're worrying too much, that's fine."

"That's great, then I should go to hold the next finals." The nobleman laughed, and with the help of the maid, he returned to his seat and sat down.

The servant girl bent down again to beat and pinch his legs for him.

The nobleman squinted his eyes comfortably, took a sip of tea, enjoyed it for a while, and then whispered something in the maidservant's ear.

The servant girl understood and went down immediately.

Baili Qinxue noticed the situation on their side, but she was a little surprised that the maid would go out at this time, what was she going down for, could it be that she was going to get the last prize?
Soon, Baili Qinxue's guess was confirmed.

The maid came with a tray, and a piece of red cloth was covered on the tray. The raised part under the red cloth should hide some precious prizes.

Seeing this, the common people's eyes turned red, and they all whispered to each other.

Baili Qinxue was curious and stretched her neck to look at it, but the red cloth was so well covered that she couldn't see why.

The corners of Dugu Sheng's lips raised slightly, and the fingertips hidden under the wide cuffs moved slightly. In an instant, a moderate wind blew up and swept away the red cloth on the tray in an instant.

The maid exclaimed, and subconsciously wanted to bend down to pick up the red cloth, but the wind was so tricky that it blew the red cloth far away in the blink of an eye. The maid pursed her lips and subconsciously covered the prize on the tray with her hands.

Everyone had already seen the prizes in the tray clearly, and they all laughed when they saw the maid's deception.


(End of this chapter)

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