Chapter 1498 Fuchsia Small Pill Stove

The servant girl blushed and stomped her feet in shame and indignation.

The nobleman waved at her and said, "Don't cover it up. Anyway, this prize is not something to be seen. Let everyone see it."

The servant girl put down her hands and walked towards the shed step by step. Thinking of the gust of wind just now, she felt strange.

The wind was strange, as if it was specially designed to blow away the red cloth.

Baili Qinxue looked at the tray in the maid's hand with a smile. Inside the tray was a small purplish-red alchemy stove. The small alchemy stove was small and exquisite, and the color was extremely uniform and beautiful. In terms of attributes... it seemed to be better than the ones she had used before. Dan furnace is good.

She glanced at it a few times, and couldn't help but feel joy in her heart.

It seems that it's time to change the alchemy furnace, she must win this finals.

In the tray, apart from a tripod pill furnace, there are also some cute little things, such as a few colorful gemstones, and two or three blood-activating pills and spirit-returning pills. The most eye-catching thing is the nice sword.

The attribute of the sword is very good. It is inlaid with several attacking monster crystal cores and two acceleration monster crystal cores. It is not an exaggeration to classify it as a small best.

Baili Qinxue is a magician who is not interested in swords, she just likes the small alchemy furnace.

"Whoever wins the Warcraft race will get all the items in this tray." The nobleman pointed to the items in the tray and said generously.

As soon as these words came out, everyone froze in place.

In previous years, this nobleman seemed not so generous...

Is it a fortune this year, or a good thing happened, is it too generous?

Everyone whispered, and they were all jealous. It would be great if these things belonged to them...

Liu Cheng and Ye Huansha stared straight at the sword with good attributes.

Both of them are warriors, so they naturally want a sword with good attributes, and this little top-quality sword in front of them just satisfies their desire.

They must also win this finals, no matter what means they use.

"These prizes are really good." Chu Yuedao looked at them happily, "But I don't need any of them. Although the cauldron alchemy furnace is good, if used in the hands of a rookie like me, it will definitely exert half of its power. But... Speaking of which, the wind just came is indeed strange, it seems that it was specially lifted up the red cloth to find out."

Bai Xie and Yun Shen nodded, it was really strange.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and looked at Dugu Sheng calmly, "I knew it was you who did it."

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, and a narrow smile flashed in his eyes, "Axue has been staring at the tray, I'm sharing your worries."

Baili Qinxue chuckled, "You are the only one with winks..."

Dugu Sheng smiled and pinched her cheek.

"Perhaps Feng'er was also attracted by these treasures, so he wanted to lift the red cloth to find out..." Qin Ge smiled, and continued to talk, looking at Dugu Sheng from the corner of his eyes.

Surprised, Chu Yuedao raised her eyebrows and said, "This must be the essence of wind, it's too scary."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Perhaps he has really become a genius..."

The corner of Chu Yuedao's mouth twitched, and he looked at Qin Ge with extreme disgust, and said, "Qin Ge, I never thought you would believe in such ghosts and gods at such an age, it's too useless."

Qin Ge pursed his lips and said nothing, but his eyes were darker.

Chu Yuedao trembled, too frightened to speak.

At this time, Cang Molian also looked sideways, and glanced at Dugu Sheng calmly.


(End of this chapter)

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