Chapter 1504 Huh, burn your clothes

Ye Huansha also shot after her.

In an instant, the sword energy scattered in all directions, and accompanied by the piercing murderous aura, it rushed straight towards Baili Qinxue.

Baili Qinxue sighed, there seemed to be a hint of amusement in her eyes.

"It's the same trick again. It's really boring. I see that the time is almost up, so I won't play with you." Baili Qinxue said casually, and kicked the long swords in their hands away.

The swords were all kicked off...

The two were dumbfounded, and there was a bit of disbelief in their eyes.

How could this be... They are all relatively good warriors. It would be a shame to have their weapons kicked off, but even if they encounter some slightly stronger ones, this situation will not happen.

Could it be that this woman's rank is already much higher than theirs?

So, will it not be detected?
The hearts of the two trembled, but they were unwilling to believe that they would be worse than an ordinary woman.

"Bitch, you are so disgusting that you kicked my sword, how dare you kick my sword..." Liu Cheng was furious, took out another sword from the space, and rushed straight towards Baili Qinxue.

Ye Huansha took out a short dagger and stabbed at her almost at the same time.

Baili Qinxue watched with interest, and moved her fingertips. In an instant, a hot and pure flame burned in her hands.

The fire reflected on her face, like a ghost in the dark night, she hooked the corner of her mouth, and threw the fireball mercilessly.


Countless small fireballs struck through the air, enveloping the two of them with scorching heat and a merciless aura.

The eyes of the two of them were wide open. She turned out to be a fire magician, and such fiery magic must be above the seventh level, and she pretended to be weak just now, which is simply disgusting.

They couldn't allow them to think too much, the little fireball had already fallen.

"bang bang bang"

The moment the fireball hit, the dust flew up instantly, and countless small pits appeared on the ground.

Liu Cheng and Ye Huansha couldn't dodge in time, and were hit by the ball directly. The scorching heat scalded the two of them, and when the light of the fireball completely dissipated, they felt that the doomsday had stopped .

"You two, how is the taste of the fireball? This is how I, a rookie, honor you..." Baili Qinxue straightened the broken hair on her forehead, and suddenly laughed, "After you two were burned by the fireball, It's become so interesting, I guess if you go out now, even your parents won't know you."

The robes on both of them were burned, leaving only a small piece of broken cloth covering the important parts, and their beautiful long hair was also burnt into a chicken nest, and it may be difficult to restore it in a short time look like.

Baili Qinxue sighed, only to realize that the veil on Ye Huansha's face had also been burned off, and in an instant, that face with intertwined scars came into her eyes.

She stared at it for a moment, but she didn't laugh too much.

"What did you do to us?" Liu Cheng asked with squinted eyes before realizing that she was gone.

"Ah, my clothes..." Ye Huansha quickly returned to her senses, and directly covered her important parts.

Liu Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked down.

"Ah, bitch, you actually burned my clothes..." Liu Cheng was ashamed and indignant, and thinking that the screen outside could see their situation clearly, her whole face flushed red.

Baili Qinxue played with her fingertips, and said with a smile: "I didn't do it on purpose, why can't you avoid it, if you can avoid it, it won't be like this."


(End of this chapter)

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