Chapter 1505 Miss Ye, your face...

The two covered the important parts, their faces full of shame and indignation.

"Miss Ye, what's wrong with your face..." Liu Cheng turned her head to the side and was almost frightened to death when she saw Ye Huansha's face.

Why is it so ugly, the criss-crossing scars are like a chessboard, just looking at it casually makes one feel sick, Liu Cheng took a deep breath, holding back the churning in his stomach.

Before Ye Huansha noticed it, she asked, "What's wrong with my face?"

Liu Cheng shook her head, and said, "It's nothing, I just think Miss Ye's appearance is different from what I imagined."

"Different?" Ye Huansha still didn't respond, "What do you mean?"

Liu Cheng laughed dryly and said, "It's nothing interesting, I'm just talking nonsense, don't mind..."

Seeing that the two of them were chatting happily, Baili Qinxue blinked and said with a smile: "Since you guys chatted so happily, I won't accompany you and go ahead."

After all, he glanced at the stupid cat, and the stupid cat took a step forward and rushed forward.

After Baili Qinxue left, Ye Huansha screamed belatedly, "Ah, did you see my face, did you see my face..."

As soon as the words fell, she thought of covering her face.

Liu Cheng was stunned, feeling that Ye Huansha was a little crazy, she took a deep breath and said cautiously: "Don't mind, I just saw a little bit, it was all done by that bitch, if it weren't for her, we wouldn't be so embarrassed .”

Ye Huansha couldn't hear what she was saying at all, "Bitch, you saw my face, I'm going to kill you, kill you..."

After saying that, she picked up the long sword on the ground and attacked Liu Cheng.

"!" Liu Cheng was so angry that her face turned blue.

This ugly monster stabbed her with a sword indiscriminately, he must be sick!
"I'm going to kill you, kill you..." Ye Huansha held the sword, and every move was merciless, as if carrying a fierce killing intent.

Liu Cheng also picked up the sword on the ground and wrestled with her, "Miss Ye, wake up, I really didn't mean to look at your appearance, if you insist on fighting with me, don't blame me for being rude!" .”

Ye Huansha's eyes were scarlet, and she couldn't hear what she was saying at all, "Bitch, I must kill you, I must goug out your eyes, cut off your mouth, and destroy your appearance, so that I can solve my crimes." The hatred in my heart."

Hearing this, Liu Cheng was stunned, why is this bitch so cruel...

"Then I won't be polite..." Liu Cheng squinted her eyes, and her every move was full of cold air.

In an instant, Ye Huansha was knocked back several steps.

The people outside the hunting ground were stunned.

Why did the two who joined forces to fight against the enemy just now start fighting?
Moreover, Ye Huansha provoked this battle completely, and every move was a killer move. What happened to make both of them kill each other?
However, although this Ye Huansha is disfigured, she has a pretty good figure. Under the sunlight, her tender skin is still glistening, and her figure is even more top-notch.

In contrast, Liu Cheng's skin is darker, but her figure is still very good.

The eyes of a group of people stared straight, wishing that the small piece of fabric on their bodies would fall off and let them feast their eyes.

The noble couldn't stand it any longer, so he leaned over and whispered something in the maidservant's ear, "Call a few people over and bring Miss Ye and Miss Liu out, how decent are the two girls with their naked clothes..."

When the servant girl heard the words, she stepped back and called for someone.


(End of this chapter)

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