Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1530 Carrot head, who is your master?

Chapter 1530 Carrot head, who is your master?
As soon as the words fell, everyone was relieved, the recovery pill was obviously refined, it was refined from Bei Ruyue's hands.

Everyone was stunned and surprised.

To be able to refine two pills of returning to the gods at once, her medicine refining skills are not only good, she is almost a god!
Everyone was chattering like chicken blood.

Lin Jiu heard everyone's nagging, turned her head to take a look, and sure enough, she saw two recovery pills lying on her tray. A little bit transparent.

Look at my seems a little bleak.

Lin Jiu raised her eyes, and took another deep look at Bei Ruyue. It was really powerful to produce two Rejuvenation Pills in one furnace.

Catching Lin Jiu's gaze, Bei Ruyue cupped her cheeks and said shyly, "Don't look at me with such adoring eyes, I'll be embarrassed."

This princess is really funny.

Lin Jiu blushed and immediately looked away.

Bei Ruyue bent her lips and laughed loudly, "Hahaha, what a pure and innocent little radish, so interesting."

Lin Jiu's face was so red that it was about to bleed, this kind of princess who showed her big white teeth when she smiled, acted boldly, and spoke boldly was really rare, hmph, she didn't look like a princess at all!

Bei Ruyue teased him for a while, then picked up the tray and walked towards Cang Molian.

Lin Jiu was startled, and followed closely behind.

The two placed the tray in front of Cang Molian.

Cang Molian glanced at her eyes, her thin lips moved and said, "The princess's pill is slightly better."

When Lin Jiu saw Bei Ruyue's elixir, he knew the result. No matter the grade, quality or fineness of the elixir, Bei Ruyue's elixir was superior, so he didn't feel disappointed. Take it for granted.

"Princess is amazing. Your elixirs are all mid-grade, and the quality is between [-] and [-]." Lin Jiu was playing with the elixirs in the tray excitedly with her starry eyes shining.

"Sight." Bei Ruyue patted him on the shoulder again.

"Ahem." Lin Jiu really felt that he had internal injuries.

Baili Qinxue glanced at the elixir on the table again, it really looked good, this princess really had a talent for refining medicine.

Lin Jiu put down the elixir, and continued to say with starry eyes: "I will definitely work hard to refine the medicine, and then surpass you."

Bei Ruyue's eyes lit up, and Feng put his paws on Lin Jiu's shoulders, and said, "Hey, your ability to adjust is pretty good. Is little luobotou interested in following my sister? Can my sister teach you how to make medicine?"

elder sister?

Still such a short little loli...

Lin Jiu blushed, always feeling that he was being molested, he blushed and broke free, feeling so shy, "No need, I already have a master."

"Hey?" Bei Ruyue was taken aback, clasped Lin Jiu's shoulders tightly and asked, "Who is who? I think you are a very good seed. Who snatched you away? Damn it!"

Lin Jiu bent her lips and smiled helplessly, "Eh hehe...Princess, please let go, men and women can't bear it."

Bei Ruyue glanced at him, and said with disgust: "When my sister was born, you didn't know where you were, and you couldn't tell me about the relationship between men and women? You're so stupid..."

Lin Jiu, who was said to be stupid, "..."

The fighting power of the princess is too strong, he can't fight at all.

"Bei Ruyue, let go of this little radish." Chu Yuedao stood up, opened her fingers one by one, and said, "My master is far away in the sky and right in front of me, so you have the nerve to rob someone from President Cang?" , are you an idiot?"


(End of this chapter)

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