Chapter 1531 Seems a bit tricky...

Chu Yuedao's hands were very hot, and when the fingers were torn open one by one, a strange feeling flowed all over her body...

Bei Ruyue's heart skipped a beat, and her face instantly turned red.

She raised her head, put her hands on her hips, and struggled to meet Chu Yuedao's eyes. She stared and said, "Xiaoyuedao, you're such a jerk that you call me an idiot. I'll definitely abuse you a thousand times later, hmph... ...Wait, you just said that the master is right in front of you, who is it, who is it, who is it?"

Chu Yuedao leaned down and whispered in her ear.

Bei Ruyue blushed, her eyes flickered instantly.

After listening, Bei Ruyue's eyes widened, and she opened her mouth in surprise, "Hey, it turned out to be refining medicine..."

Chu Yuedao quickly covered Bei Ruyue's mouth, and said, "Are you an idiot, be gentle with me."

Bei Ruyue blinked her big eyes, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Seeing this, Chu Yuedao quickly let go of his hands, and he didn't realize until after everything was done... Just now he was doing something that men and women couldn't understand, so shy.

He blushed, and secretly glanced at Bei Ruyue, this little girl is actually quite cute, hum...

"Is this little luotou really a member of the Alchemist Union?" Bei Ruyue lowered his voice.

Chu Yuedao was taken aback, and nodded quickly, "That's right, I just joined the trade union not long ago, but I'm actually quite powerful."

At least better than him.

"Well, better than you." Bei Ruyue narrowed her eyes, raised her lips, swept Chu Yuedao viciously, and said, "Remember to go to the ring later, I will torture you a thousand times."

Chu Yuedao opened her lips, she was so angry that she didn't know what to say.

Watching their interaction, Baili Qinxue found it very interesting.

Damao and the little princess are obviously tricky, as long as someone touches it, they can drink their wedding wine, haha.

Dugu Sheng glanced at them, and complained, "I'm used to showing affection."

Baili Qinxue smiled, but said nothing.

Seeing Bei Ruyue's performance, the nobleman was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect to be able to refine two, which is really amazing.

"Then our Princess Beiruyue won this competition. Is there any challenger next?" the nobleman asked.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, no one dared to play.

Standing on the ring, Bei Ruyue hooked her little finger at Chu Yuedao in a vicious manner, and said, "Xiaoyue Island, come up quickly, I want to abuse you."

Chu Yuedao blushed and didn't want to go up, but he is a man, and he must never go back on what he promised.

He took a deep breath and moved up step by step, as if rushing to the execution ground.

Bei Ruyue folded her arms around her chest, looking at it leisurely.

Chu Yuedao looked at her expression, and hid her anger in her heart, "What kind of expression do you have, it looks so annoying."

Bei Ruyue looked at Chu Yuedao who had already entered the ring, and smiled even worse, "I hate your eyes, Xiaoyue Island, you are finished, hahahaha..."

"Can you not laugh?" Chu Yuedao stretched her face, "It's so scary..."

Bei Ruyue ignored him, turned sideways and went to process the herbs.

Chu Yuedao licked the corner of her lips, and turned sideways to process the herbs.

Compared with Bei Ruyue's casual nature, Chuyue Island is extremely clumsy, either there is a mistake here or there.

It made everyone under the ring laugh for a long time.

What a hateful laugh, he is not a saint and he will inevitably make mistakes.Chu Yuedao was blushing, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Bei Ruyue raised her eyelids, and glanced at him with a smile.

Chu Yuedao's hand trembled, almost throwing the herb in his hand.


(End of this chapter)

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