Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 154 Bullying bullying the stinky bear

Chapter 154 Bullying bullying the stinky bear

Hearing this, Zhao Yu burst out laughing, he pointed at the stinky bear and held it back for a long time before saying: "Stupid girl, the stinky bear is the size of a radish head, he shouldn't be old enough to have sex, and it's already summer... "

Lin Wanwan nodded with a half understanding.

"It was just frightened by the group of masters just now, after I help it enlighten it, it should be fine." Baili Qinxue stretched out her hand to Lin Wanwan, and said with a smile, "Give it to me."

Lin Wanwan didn't suspect him, so he generously gave her the stinky bear, "Drumstick, I'll leave it to you."

Baili Qinxue nodded, and said again: "It may be shy to teach in front of everyone, let me find a quieter place in front."

The more the stinky bear thinks about it, the more something is wrong, hey, it's a sheep in the mouth of a tiger!
"Sister, I'll go too." Dugu Sheng tugged at her sleeve, followed to a quiet place in front, and asked with a sneaky smile: "How does sister want to teach it, beat it or whip it?"

As soon as the words fell, he seemed to snap his fingers.

"Don't be so troublesome." Baili Qinxue looked at the stinky bear in his hand, and the stinky bear also looked at her with big round eyes, full of begging, Baili Qinxue ignored it, and threw it into the space , Playful and said: "Let the second fire scare it."

"Pfft, sister, you are so bad." Dugu Sheng covered his lips, and in his mind was the miserable appearance of a stinky bear being bullied by Er Huo.

As soon as the stinky bear enters the space, he feels like he is in a fairyland. The inside is full of aura, the scenery is beautiful, there are trees, wells, and precious herbs. This is an excellent place. After it finished feeling, it saw a giant beast lying on its back under the vine, eating grapes lazily.

Goodness, what a beast to enjoy.

The stinky bear took a step and ran over happily. It also wants to eat grapes, and it also wants to lie down and enjoy it.

"Er Huo, help me train this little thing, tell it to work when it's time to work, and don't be lazy." Baili Qinxue talked to Er Huo with his thoughts.

Er Huo turned over, stood where he was and stared at it eagerly, as if he was waiting for the prey to come.

When it was only a few steps away from the destination, the stinky bear finally realized that something was wrong. The giant beast was clearly the fierce and scary Fire Cloud Beast. It knocked it out with one move. It was extremely ferocious and terrifying, but why was it here? , still looking at it eagerly, do you want to eat it?
The stinky bear stopped in a hurry, turned around and ran away, it didn't want to be eaten.

Seeing that it ran away, Er Huo ran after it. It was so fast that it quickly caught up with the stinky bear. The stinky bear was frightened to death, so he quickened his pace.

Erhuo saw that it was cute and round, so he became very playful and ran after it all the time, sometimes poking its head with his paw when he got close.

The stinky bear was so frightened that the hairs all over its body stood on end, beeping, its head was going to be poked off, it was too scary, it immediately accelerated forward, Er Huo also accelerated its pace, and kept dangling behind its buttocks.

After running around the space for about ten laps, Smelly Bear was almost exhausted and paralyzed, but Er Huo was still full of energy, so Smelly Bear rolled his eyes and lay down on the ground, pretending to be dead.

Er Huo leisurely walked forward and poked its small body with its paws. The stinky bear swore not to open its eyes, and was about to pretend to be dead. Er Huo took a few glances and soon lost interest, and opened his eyes in the blink of an eye. Open your mouth wide...


(End of this chapter)

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