Chapter 155 Die-hard Little Fan!
The stinky bear seemed to sense it, and hurriedly opened his eyes. When he opened it, he was so frightened that he disappeared. Oh my god, this is too scary. If he doesn’t run away, he will be eaten. Bound to chase.

Have fun.

About half an hour later, Baili Qinxue had almost finished watching the play, so she released the stinky bear from the space. With a "bang", the stinky bear fell to the ground like a dead dog.

Dugu Sheng ran forward, poked it with his finger, and didn't see it responding for a long time, so he gloated and said, "Sister, I'm afraid it was tossed to death by the second fire, tsk tsk tsk, it's really pitiful, but who called it So lazy."

"You won't die if you run a few steps." Baili Qinxue knelt down and fed it some well water.

At this moment, the second fire in the space is digging the ground alone, in fact, it still wants to play with the smelly bear, that guy is so timid and so funny.

Not long after, the stinky bear woke up and was still alive and well. Everything that happened just now seemed like a dream, yes it was a dream, and the stinky bear came back again, shaking its small body, holding its head high, As soon as they saw Baili Qinxue, they immediately became dumbfounded.

After waking up from the dream, it still fell into the wolf's mouth...

"Are you awake?" Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile, "Did you have fun with Erhuo just now?"

Smelly Gouxiong blinked his eyes, what is Erhuo?
"It's the Fire Cloud Beast that kicked you out. Didn't you guys just play a game of chasing each other, and you forgot all about it now?" Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, her eyes sparkling with interest, "Would you like it?" No, let me throw you in again, Erhuo will be happy."

The stinky bear jumped up suddenly. It turned out that it was not a dream. There was indeed a charming space with rich aura, various rare herbs, trees and water. keep running after it...

Smelly Gouxiong stared at Baili Qinxue with his eyes wide open in horror.

This person can communicate with beasts like them, and has a huge treasure house. What's even more frightening is that he subdued the Fire Cloud Beast. It opened its mouth wide, and the horror in its eyes was suddenly replaced by worship.

Boom, mighty human being begging for a hug!
"Do you still dare to be lazy now?" Baili Qinxue poked its head, "Do you still want to transform and take us out?"

Dugu Sheng also crossed Xiao Man's waist, and said slyly: "That's right, if you play petty temper again, you will become Er Huo's appetizer."

The stinky bear shook his head desperately, not daring to be lazy anymore, it was willing to transform into a cow and a horse, please don't eat it.

Baili Qinxue rubbed its head in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "That's good, don't waste time, transform right away."

At this time, the wind was a little stronger, and there were raindrops in the wind, the raindrops were fine and dense, Baili Qinxue's shoulders were already wet a lot, and Dugu Sheng was the same, I'm afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would get a cold.

Hearing this, the stinky bear immediately turned into a majestic lion, and flapping its big wings seemed to add a bit of majesty. Baili Qinxue pulled Dugu Sheng and sat on its back, and the stinky bear flapped its wings Fly to Zhao Yu's side.

"Well, the stinky bear brought chicken legs and they came..." Lin Wanwan felt a black shadow moving above his head, and after a closer look, he knew that it was Baili Qinxue and the others who had returned.

"Little girl is really capable, the stinky bear was really soothed by it." Zhao Yu stood in the distance, cheerfully waiting for the stinky bear to fly down.

Wei Nanzi glanced at it and said nothing, but the moist feeling on his body made him frown.

The stinky bear flew down, Baili Qinxue waved to them, and said, "Come up quickly, and find a cave to shelter from the rain while the rain is light."


(End of this chapter)

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