Chapter 1567 Climb to the princess again...

Bei Fanxing glanced at her, and said: "It's time to see the world, sometimes you do something wrong, you need to be careful."

Liu Cheng was startled, what did she do?Why did they all come to run on her?
simply hateful...

Ye Huansha also froze in place, when did Liu Cheng offend the princess?
"My daughter knows." Liu Cheng wondered, but she couldn't beat the princess, so she could only bow her head and say weakly.

Bei Fanxing raised her lips, and slowly looked away, "It's good to know."

Bei Ruyue seemed to know why her sister Wang was angry, so she tugged on her clothes with a smile.

Bei Fanxing's arrogance dissipated, and she took Bei Ruyue to sit on a chair beside her.

The other Miss Wang and Sun gave up their seats one after another, looking respectful.

"Why don't you guys come over yet?" Bei Fanxing waved his hands, looked at Baili Qinxue and the others and said, "Come and sit down quickly, you guys, there are a lot of snacks on the table, you can eat when you are hungry. "

Jing Ye's expression changed, the gazebo was full of women, he was a big man...

Dugu Sheng didn't care, and walked in beside Baili Qinxue.

Jing Ye dawdled a few times and walked in.

It was only then that Liu Cheng discovered that there were several people accompanying Bei Fanxing, whose faces were also very familiar.

She stared wide-eyed, startled in her heart, and put on a look of wanting to eat people.

Why is there an ordinary-looking slut with that status?

It's like ghosts lingering, how can I see them everywhere?
Liu Cheng gritted her teeth, her eyes widened, wishing she could pounce on them and eat them.

"Some people climbed up to President Cang a few days ago, but today they climbed up to the princess." Liu Cheng snorted coldly, and said in a strange way: "However, even if you climb up, so what, the petty nature in your bones can't be changed of."

Jing Ye narrowed his eyes, who is this woman, so annoying.

Every word in a sentence is thorny, don't think he doesn't know who she is talking about.

Jing Ye wanted to draw out his sword to teach the woman a lesson, but Dugu Sheng directly held down his hand.

"Young master..." Jing Ye pursed his lips, a little puzzled.

Dugu Sheng shrugged indifferently, but his voice was as cold as water, "This kind of small role is not our turn, but they won't be around for long."

Hearing this, Jing Ye no longer had that instinct and impulsiveness just now.

Dugu Sheng let go of his hand in satisfaction.

Seeing that the three of them hadn't spoken, Liu Cheng raised her eyebrows and sarcastically said, "Maybe some people have a guilty conscience, so they dare not speak?"

Baili Qinxue is helpless, why is such a good girl so mean?

She smiled and said nothing.

But Bei Fanxing took the conversation and said: "What are you talking about? This princess sees that she is good at refining medicine, so I want to invite her to the banquet to have fun. What are you talking about? You really can't talk. See you Don't kill yourself before you get to the big world..."

Hearing this, Liu Cheng's complexion turned blue and white.

Unexpectedly, the eldest princess actually spoke for the common people, which is simply disgusting.

She bit her lip and dared not speak.

Ye Huansha tugged at the hem of her clothes and said, "Miss Liu, why are you so crazy that you got into a fight with them and angered the princess?"

This woman has been causing trouble, I knew I wouldn't bring her here.

Liu Cheng gritted her teeth, and said in a bad voice: "Do you think I think so? It's not that that bitch is too proud. A few days ago, he climbed up to President Cang, and today he climbed up to the eldest princess. It's uncomfortable to watch."


(End of this chapter)

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