Chapter 1568 Bitch, used to play tricks

"It's true from what you said." Ye Huansha murmured softly, "How can I see them everywhere, and get the favor of President Cang and the eldest princess, I don't know how to do it .”

Liu Cheng stared at her eyes, and said sourly: "Bitch, it's natural to be flattering."

Ye Huansha's face was ugly, and then she said: "Hmph, I really have some skills."

The two chattered, and the more they talked, the more ugly their faces became, and they wished they could tear Baili Qinxue apart.

Baili Qinxue shrugged indifferently, and sat down with Dugu Sheng and the others.

Miss Wang and Sun saw that these three people came with the eldest princess, and while they were murmuring, they also respectfully gave up their seats, thinking that the three of them were noble people from somewhere.

Seeing this, Liu Cheng and Ye Huansha were extremely disgusted again.

It's really disgusting for a fox to pretend to be a tiger...

Soon, Miss Wang and Sun's attention was no longer on them, they gathered together and chatted about some anecdotes.

Bei Fanxing didn't take the initiative to talk to Bei Ruyue, but talked to Baili Qinxue vigorously.

Bei Ruyue wasn't angry at all, she probably figured out her sister Wang's character, anyway, she was rather awkward, and she talked to others just to cover up her shyness.

I didn't find that Sister Wang had such a character before, and I feel so cute.

Bei Ruyue supported her head, staring at Bei Fanxing for a moment.

Bei Fanxing blushed, is this sister Wang okay, why do you keep staring at her?

"Hmph, why do you always stare at this princess?" Bei Fanxing asked uncomfortably, raising her eyebrows.

Bei Ruyue shook her head with a smile, "It's nothing, I just think that Miss Wang seems much prettier today."

"!" Bei Fanxing frowned and pursed her red lips, "Isn't this princess beautiful in the past?"

Whether this sister Wang can speak is simply abominable.

Bei Ruyue smiled and said nothing.

Baili Qinxue was extremely pleased to see the interaction between them.

Liu Cheng and Ye Huansha couldn't sit still, they gritted their teeth and prepared to get up and leave, but at this time...

Several servant girls came with tea and refreshments.

The tea is steaming, and I think it has just been boiled, and it is still hot.

"Eldest princess, second princess, ladies, please drink tea." After finishing speaking, the maids blessed themselves and went down.

The tea in the palace is all the first-class Yuqian Longjing, which has a long-lasting fragrance and endless aftertaste.

Bei Fanxing stroked the teacup, and said: "The tea brought by the maids, everyone will eat some."

When Miss Wang and Sun heard the words, they hurriedly picked up their teacups and wanted to try something new.

Liu Cheng looked at the hot tea, her eyeballs rolled around, and there seemed to be a hint of sinister in her eyes.

She picked up the teacup and walked slowly towards Baili Qinxue.

"Miss Xiaoxue, there were some misunderstandings between us a few days ago, I hope we can resolve these misunderstandings today." Liu Cheng smiled, and the tea cup in her hand was shaking, almost splashing the tea.

Baili Qinxue looked at Liu Cheng who was a few steps away from her, her eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Nothing to offer favors, not rape or steal.

This Liu Cheng must have thought of some vicious method again...

She looked at the steaming teacup, curled up her lips with a half-smile, and her eyes were particularly pervasive.

Liu Cheng's hand paused slightly, and her footsteps suddenly stopped.

The corners of Baili Qinxue's lips curled up, her smile was still permeating.

Liu Cheng narrowed her eyes, boldly walked towards Baili Qinxue step by step...


(End of this chapter)

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