Chapter 1581 Huh, you can come with me
Bei Fanxing spoke patiently, but she forced an impatient look on her face.

After she finished speaking, she blinked her eyes and snorted again, "Hmph, do you understand now?"

Baili Qinxue nodded after hearing this, with a clear smile in her eyes, "So that's the case, no wonder some ministers are obviously terrified, but they still act like they are on the stage."

"Hmph, they are too greedy." Bei Fanxing glared at those ministers.

Baili Qinxue smiled, but said nothing.

Chu Yuedao glared at Baili Qinxue and the others, with complicated emotions in his eyes, and after scratching for a long time, he screamed, "Ahhh, I just found out now... why are you here? And you and the villain... the eldest princess had a great time talking, when did you meet?"

They can talk so happily with the bad woman, they are really capable.

After thinking about it, Chu Yuedao's eyes widened.

Baili Qinxue covered her lips and almost laughed. If she guessed correctly, this stupid hair just wanted to call Bei Fanxing a "bad woman."

Fortunately, he changed his mind, otherwise, he might be beaten by Bei Fanxing.

"This." Baili Qinxue hooked her lips and said, "We met the Eldest Princess in the medicine refining competition, and the Eldest Princess invited us to discuss the knowledge of refining medicine, so we are very acquainted when we look at it." cooked."

"So that's it." Chu Yuedao looked back.

He knew why that bad woman got so close to others for no reason, because she wanted to discuss the knowledge of refining medicine.

Chu Yuedao glanced at Bei Fanxing, then cast his eyes on Jing Ye, and subconsciously asked, "Who is this stern-faced man? Is he your friend?"

Jing Ye cast his gaze over and cast a cold glance, which made Chu Yuedao tremble all over in fright.

This look is cold and serious, it's scary to look at, when did they know this kind of strange man?
Dugu Sheng stroked the teacup but did not speak, Baili Qinxue explained in a low voice: "A friend from the past came to join us only two days ago."

They really are friends... Chu Yuedao glanced at Jing Ye a few more times in distaste.

Jing Ye stared at him coldly again.

Chu Yuedao swallowed, and quickly looked away.

Taking a panoramic view of the interaction between the two, Bei Fanxing pursed her lips in extreme disgust, and said, "Hmph, the hunting battle is only once a year, so it's rare for you to come to the Northern Continent to participate?"

"Can commoners like us do it too?" Baili Qinxue pointed at herself.

She was about to speak, but Bei Ruyue picked her up and said, "Of course you can participate. Anyone with some skills can participate in the hunting battle."

"I see." Baili Qinxue couldn't help but curl her lips, "Since we can participate, we certainly won't miss this opportunity."

"Hmph, you guys are knowledgeable." Bei Fanxing stroked the teacup, raised her eyebrows slightly, "My princess will also participate at that time, so don't snatch my dragon tortoise."

"Of course not." Baili Qinxue replied.

Bei Fanxing smiled pretending to be satisfied, and said, "Hmph, you guys are sensible."

"Sister Wang, I want to participate too, so don't snatch my dragon tortoise then." Bei Ruyue tugged at her sleeves, her eyes were bright and enthusiastic with the light of the lights.

Bei Fanxing frowned, and stared, "Hmph, you can go with this princess when the time comes, so you don't have to be afraid of being snatched, you idiot."


(End of this chapter)

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