Chapter 1582 This woman is not ordinary...

This sister Wang is really stupid, but she is still so cute, and she was soft when she was a child.

Bei Ruyue was startled, "Hey, can I be with Sister Wang?"

"Of course, hum." Bei Fanxing raised her eyebrows.

Hearing this, Bei Ruyue smiled sweetly.

Chu Yuedao was still sticking like a log, and Bei Ruyue didn't talk to him, it was disgusting.

Bei Fanxing glanced at him triumphantly, if he dared to rob her of the younger sister Wang, there was no way, stupid thing!
"Since all the ministers have no objection to the hunting battle, then the hunting battle will be set in five days." The king of the Northern Continent smiled and said again.

Five days later, there are still some days.

Baili Qinxue hooked her lips, wondering if she got the crystal nucleus in the head of the dragon turtle, could it improve the attributes of the weapons in her space?

By the way, there are still some god-level black iron and runestones in her space. The artifacts made from these things are artifacts. If you add the dragon tortoise crystal core, can it become a super artifact?
Baili Qinxue licked the corner of her lips, feeling a little moved.

If you use the dragon turtle shell and long beard to refine the medicine, will it be refined into a god-level pill?
Thinking about it this way, Baili Qinxue became more and more interested in that hunting battle...

Dugu Sheng pinched her fingers with a smile, and he knew that she was interested in these things.

Seeing that most of the ministers agreed, the king of the Northern Continent changed his posture slightly, and said: "Since the ministers have agreed, let's summon the singers to come up, I want to listen to a little song."

The eunuch shook his whisk and said with a smile: "Yes, this servant will summon the singers."

After finishing speaking, the eunuch turned his head to look outside the hall, and shouted in a high-pitched voice, "Biography, Diva."

As soon as the words fell, countless beautiful young women came lightly in lotus steps. They were all dressed in gorgeous and gorgeous clothes, and they were holding various musical instruments such as lutes and guqin in their hands.

The king of the Northern Continent propped his head on his hands, his eyes were full of interest, "You guys start quickly."

As soon as the words fell, the sound of various musical instruments sounded, accompanied by the beautiful voices of the singers, reaching people's ears.

The Great King of the Northern Continent listened, closed his eyes comfortably, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The kings and grandchildren listened and offered a few glasses of wine to the king from time to time, and then offered a few glasses of wine to the two princesses and several princes.

They looked at the two princesses, and there were three men and women sitting face to face, but to be favored by the princesses, their status was naturally high. They held the wine glasses, and toasted them like Baili Qinxue.

The three drank one by one, looking obedient, but the aura on their bodies made people slightly startled.

Sure enough, he was not an ordinary person. Looking at the aura on his body, it was hard to lift his head.

The King of the Northern Continent quickly noticed their situation, and hurriedly called the eunuch over to ask, "Have you seen the three people sitting beside Fanxing and Ruyue? Who are they? Why haven't I seen them?"

The eunuch took a few glances and said, "I heard from the servant girls that those three people were invited by the eldest princess to attend the banquet."

"Did Fanxing come back?" The king was a little surprised.

The eunuch nodded and said: "The slave also heard that the last time the two princesses participated in the medicine refining competition held among the people, the eldest princess won the second princess, but the eldest princess lost to the ordinary-looking woman. .”

The eunuch stretched out his hand and pointed at Baili Qinxue.

Looking down, the great king of the Northern Continent is indeed very ordinary, but his temperament is not what an ordinary woman should have.


(End of this chapter)

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