Chapter 1592 Following Xiao Jingye!
Dugu Sheng stroked the teacup, and asked lightly, "Jing Ye, are you going out to do some work again?"

Jing Ye nodded honestly.

Dugu Sheng put down the teacup, raised the corner of his mouth, "Well, be careful on the road."

Hearing this, Jing Ye's eyes suddenly widened, with incredulity shining in his eyes.

It's unbelievable that the young master of his family would say such a thing and care about him.

Jing Ye narrowed his eyes, looked Dugu Sheng from head to toe several times, and was relieved after confirming that he hadn't been dropped.

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, his face was a little ugly, "What kind of expression is this, if you want to do some work, go quickly."

Jing Ye nodded, turned sideways and left without looking back.

Dugu Sheng tapped on the table, with a smile in his eyes, "This kid has been working for a few days, but he has a good temper, so he doesn't take me seriously?"

Baili Qinxue looked at the bustling long street, smiled and teased: "Perhaps that owner paid out a lot of gold coins. After Jing Ye earned gold coins, he also gained confidence. Naturally, it will be different from the past. If it is possible If you don't...Jing Ye may abandon you and go to another owner."

Dugu Sheng's deep eyes deepened, and he said angrily: "He dares... he can be regarded as growing up with me, so he can't be ungrateful."

Baili Qinxue smiled, but said nothing.

Dugu Sheng paused for a moment, then quickly took Baili Qinxue's hand, and said: "Let's follow quickly, and don't let that kid run away."

Baili Qinxue let him pull her, the corners of her lips raised, "Actually, I realize that you care about Jingye too..."

Dugu Sheng paused, and after a while he said in a low voice: "I'm his young master, so naturally I can't see him go astray."

"I see." Baili Qinxue nodded with a smile.

Jing Ye didn't walk fast, and when they went out, he happened to be in sight.

He walked on the long street step by step, with a straight waist, which seemed to be a bit out of place with the noisy long street. He was like a pine and cypress, which was suitable for growing in the deep mountains.

Baili Qinxue glanced forward and almost laughed.

This scene at night is really interesting.

At this time, Dugu Sheng embraced her slender waist and led her directly to the eaves.

"That kid Jingye is sharp, we have to be quiet." Dugu Sheng lowered his voice, and his aura also disappeared, "However, that kid Jingye has never escaped from my palm, so you don't have to worry about it."

Baili Qinxue shrugged, and said softly: "I'm not worried...don't talk, let's follow quickly."

After the words fell, the two flew over the walls, followed Jing Ye all the time, and deliberately kept a distance from him.

After walking for a long time, Jing Ye still had no intention of stopping.

And the surrounding scenery also changed and changed, becoming extremely desolate.

"Such a desolate place..." Baili Qinxue blinked, and guessed with a smile, "Jing Ye is not really doing something shady."

Hearing this, Dugu Sheng was a little excited, and said, "Murder, set fire, or be a robber?"

He opened his lips, maliciously speculating.

Baili Qinxue thought it was interesting, and reached out to stroke his hair.

Dugu Sheng groaned softly, and closed his eyes comfortably.

Baili Qinxue quickly let go, and at this time, Jing Ye also paused.

Her eyes lit up, she looked at it with great interest, and she followed suit, "Look quickly, Big Bun, Jing Ye has stopped."


(End of this chapter)

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