Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1593 Could it be that you are doing something shady?

Chapter 1593 Could it be that you are doing something shady?

Dugu Sheng opened his eyes and looked around.

Just then, Jing Ye stopped in front of a house. The appearance of the house was majestic, with a touch of luxury. Looking from a distance from the outside, one could feel that the house was astonishingly large.

Come to think of it, the owner of this house must be either rich or noble.

"There is such a gorgeous house in such a remote place?" Baili Qinxue felt that it was tricky, and couldn't help taking a few more glances.

Dugu Sheng held his chin, his face became more excited, "In such a remote place, there is such a luxurious mansion, I guess there must be something tricky in it, it is possible that they are hiding in it and refining forbidden drugs and the like s things?"

"Go and have a look, you'll know." Baili Qinxue licked the corner of her lips, and a cunning flashed in her eyes.

The two looked at each other and smiled, followed Jing Ye into the house.

Just as Baili Qinxue had imagined, the house is really astonishingly large, and the layout is ingenious, and all kinds of strange mountains and rocks come into view, which adds a little bit of a different flavor.

"The owner of the house has a very clever idea." Baili Qinxue squatted on the eaves, her lips curled into a casual compliment.

Dugu Sheng looked around, but also nodded, and said: "Indeed, it's not bad."

The two glanced at the scenery, and then saw Jing Ye entering the main house. There were many people standing outside the main house. If they went in rashly, they might be discovered by the people inside.

The two concealed their breath and quietly jumped onto the eaves of the main house.

Dugu Sheng raised his lips, and slowly opened the two tiles.

As soon as the tiles are lifted, everything in the main house can be seen clearly.

The two of them looked down, but they didn't see Jing Ye's figure in a daze, and the main house stretched out in all directions, so they didn't know where that kid Jing Ye had gone, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

Baili Qinxue frowned, and couldn't help feeling tense, "Could it be that it's really some kind of shady black workshop, and Jing Ye is working hard for them for gold coins?"

Although Dugu Sheng was excited, when the critical moment came, his face turned dark, "According to Jing Ye's temperament, it shouldn't be possible."

"Then let's look around..." Baili Qinxue jumped off the eaves and walked deep into the house.

Dugu Sheng flicked his sleeves and followed closely behind.

After searching in the depths of the house for a long time, he didn't see Jing Ye's figure in a daze. It was as if he had disappeared out of thin air, or...

What mechanism is hidden in the main house?
Thinking of this, Baili Qinxue was slightly stunned, and Dugu Sheng, as if thinking of something, turned his head and his eyes lit up slightly, "Could it be that there is some mechanism hidden in the main house?"

"I thought so too, let's go over and have a look?" Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows.

Just as Dugu Sheng was about to agree, he saw a noise coming from ahead.

Immediately after...

Jing Ye walked out of the main house.

Dugu Sheng's face turned dark, and he said with resentment: "Why has this kid come out, and there is no one around to see him off, it's almost the same as when he came here, with nothing to worry about."

Baili Qinxue rested her chin on her hand, and said, "Yes, if that's the case, we don't even know what Jing Ye did in there. Is this a waste of time?"

Dugu Sheng frowned, stared closely at Jing Ye's back, and said, "This kid couldn't have discovered us, and then, did he do it on purpose..."

"Look at his expression, he shouldn't have noticed anything." Baili Qinxue thought of Jing Ye's calm and serious expression just now, she smiled and said: "We just hid our breath just now, Jing Ye can't find our existence, I think he will come out now, Must be just a coincidence."


(End of this chapter)

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