Chapter 1600 Found a Dragon Turtle

As soon as they left, Liu Cheng laughed directly and said, "Those two people really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, they are only two, and they still want to hunt the dragon tortoise, don't die in it."

"The eldest princess is really interesting." Ye Huansha laughed out loud, "I even ran over to ask for that piece of wood. Although the piece of wood exudes awe-inspiring murderous aura, I haven't tried it before, so who knows if it's powerful or not."

She had completely forgotten the scene where the two of them were scared to death in the past few nights.

"Anyway, that bitch and her man are dead, haha." Liu Cheng covered her lips, laughing hard.

"It's better to die." Ye Huansha raised her eyebrows and said sarcastic remarks freely.

More than 20 young servants stood beside them, and when they heard their vicious curses, they acted as if they hadn't heard them, and their expressions were still very normal.

The two chattered for a while, and then thought of going into the forest.

"Hurry up and enter the forest." Ye Huansha said to the boys beside her.

Standing beside Ye Huansha, Liu Cheng looked like a hostess, she folded her arms and said, "That's right, follow us into the forest."

It's just a diner of the Ye family, it's unreasonable to dare to play prestige here.

The boys were muttering in their hearts, but they didn't dare to show it on their faces, so they obediently followed the two into the forest.

The forest is deep and dark, as if it has not seen light all year round.

Liu Cheng and Ye Huansha walked cautiously.

But Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng, who were walking on the other side, looked calm and calm, and their footsteps were windy, as if they were not at all afraid that the dragon turtle would rush out from somewhere to sneak attack.

"I heard that these dragon tortoises in the forest are raised by the emperor's house." Just outside the forest, Baili Qinxue heard the murmurs of the princes and nobles, "I didn't expect that these things would be raised in their royal city." , I heard that their ancestors got it from somewhere, and they have been raising it until now.”

"People in the royal family really know how to play." Dugu Sheng raised the corners of his lips, and said, "I wonder if that kid Jing Ye will grab the dragon turtle from us later."

"Should be." Baili Qinxue murmured, then smiled again and said, "Otherwise, why did you buy those extra foods yesterday to bribe us?"

Dugu Sheng snapped his fingers, and smiled wickedly, "It seems that I will have to bully that kid for a while."

Baili Qinxue blinked, her eyes were bright, "Are you going to let the rats die again?"

"It's also possible, but I have many ways..." Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, and the narrowness in his eyes became more sinister under the sunlight.

"You're so bad." Baili Qinxue stood on tiptoe and rubbed his hair.

Her hair was limp, and she couldn't help rubbing it a few more times.

Dugu Sheng only felt his blood surge, and he reached out and grabbed her tricky little hand.

The two walked in the forest holding hands like this, and the loving appearance almost blinded people's eyes.

Everyone else tensed their nerves, but they were lucky enough to show their love to death like they were traveling in mountains and rivers, which is really abominable.

The forest is huge, and the road is extremely quiet. It is really a challenge to raise dragon turtles in such a place.

Baili Qinxue closed her eyes, and opened them slowly after she felt a certain breath.

"Feel it?" Dugu Sheng asked with a smile, pursing his lips.

Baili Qinxue looked straight ahead, her dark eyes were dotted with bright light, "Well, I can feel it, it's not far in front... There must be one."


(End of this chapter)

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