Chapter 1601 Sky Blue Dragon Turtle
Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, and without saying a word, he embraced Baili Qinxue's slender waist, and kept darting forward.

"whoosh whoosh"

The autumn wind whistled in his ears, and his speed was extremely fast. It didn't take long for the two of them to come to the front.

Dugu Sheng put Baili Qinxue down, and the two hid in the haystack, quietly observing the situation ahead,
Baili Qinxue took a closer look, and there was indeed a dragon tortoise nestled next to the haystack in front. The dragon tortoise was not sky blue all over, with a hard shell on its body, and a few long beards around its mouth.

The dragon tortoise lay on the ground with four legs, lazily, and was still spitting bubbles. It looked cute, like a Smurf, but it had a huge body, and the sense of disobedience was too strong.

"This is the dragon tortoise..." Baili Qinxue chuckled, "It looks stupid, but the sense of coercion from its body is quite strong..."

After she finished speaking, she raised her eyebrows, and a sharp flash flashed in her plain eyes.

"The people in Wangcheng really raise these dragon turtles very well." Dugu Sheng broke open the weeds in front of him, clicked his tongue in admiration, and said: "The level is quite high, the ninth level is advanced."

Baili Qinxue played with her fingertips and murmured, "It's really tall, taller than me."

Dugu Sheng pinched her face, and asked: "What should we do now, on the front, let's test its strength first?"

He said it casually, but in fact, he could go straight up without testing his strength at all, he would surely die if he slashed down with his sword, but he still wanted to ask Baili Qinxue's opinion.

Baili Qinxue's heart warmed up, but her voice was a little weak, "Let's face it, I heard that the dragon turtle's shell is very hard and its defense is excellent, so I'll attack from its sky cap."

"What about me?" Dugu Sheng pointed to himself.

Baili Qinxue glanced at him a few times, and said, "Just stand aside first, and be responsible for the beautiful appearance."

It sounds like letting him eat soft food, but...

Dugu Sheng's eyes were shining, and he nodded hastily, "I'm so happy to be able to eat Axue's soft rice."

what the hell...

Baili Qinxue blushed and gave him a hard look, then tiptoed and rushed straight towards the dragon turtle.

The dragon tortoise was lying on the ground enjoying life, and when it sensed a human being approaching, it narrowed its small eyes, burning with intense anger, and instantly became vicious.

I thought he was a dumb Smurf, but he turned out to be a brutal Black Elf in nature.

The corners of Baili Qinxue's lips curled up, and she jumped onto its shell viciously. It was hard, she squinted her eyes, and stepped on it with her feet.


Dragon Turtle felt that its majesty had been violated. It shook its body angrily, trying to shake Baili Qinxue off, but Baili Qinxue seemed to grow on the shell, and it couldn't shake it off.

As a dragon turtle, you should have your own dignity, this hateful human being...

Think about the past, when those breeders came to the forest, they didn’t bow their heads to them, because they didn’t want to be eaten. Although a few were eaten in the end, they still changed a few faces every day to keep them full. Belly, yeah.

But today...

This stupid and hateful human dared to challenge the majesty of the dragon turtle, and he must eat her to the bone, hum.

"You still want to eat me?" Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, the crimson sword in her hand rested on its neck, and then slowly came to the top of its head.

Even if it is a sword transformed by magic, the icy air on the blade can be clearly felt.


(End of this chapter)

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