Chapter 1631 Haha, She Didn't Die
Seeing that Liu Cheng has been running farther and farther, seeing that the dragon tortoise opened its bloody mouth, it is about to get together...

"Ah..." Ye Huansha screamed miserably, "Miss Xiaoxue, come and save me quickly, as long as you are willing to save me, I promise to meet any of your requirements..."

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng stood and watched the fun, enjoying it.

What's even more strange is that the two dragon turtles didn't attack them.

Ye Huansha felt strange, but she didn't have time to think so much.

Baili Qinxue looked at her, plucked her ears, and said with a smile, "Is Miss Ye asking us for help?"

Ye Huansha nodded hurriedly.

This bitch, can't understand people's words?

"But..." Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, pretending to be afraid and said, "The two dragon turtles are so powerful, we can't beat them, how can we save you?"

Baili Qinxue paused, and said again: "I see that Miss Liu is very powerful, she must have a way to save you."

Dugu Sheng squeezed her palm.

His family's Axue is used to talking nonsense, those dragon turtles are almost afraid of her, she will be afraid?
"Aren't you two amazing?" Ye Huansha yelled excitedly, "And the little bitch Liu Cheng has already run away..."

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and looked at Long Gui at the side.

The dragon tortoise squatted on the spot and shivered. Seeing Baili Qinxue's look, it blinked and understood. It stood up and ran towards Liucheng.

The other dragon turtle breathed out, opened its mouth and bit down.


Ye Huansha screamed heartbreakingly.

Baili Qinxue frowned and covered her ears.

Ye Huansha was still screaming, and there seemed to be no tendency to stop.

"It's really sweet." Baili Qinxue laughed.

Dugu Sheng was out of breath from laughing, and fell directly into her arms, "It's so funny, so interesting, haha..."

Baili Qinxue took him smoothly, moved her eyeballs again, and pinched him on the waist.

Dugu Sheng frowned, straightened up in pain, and said: "Axue, you are really bad, you actually bullied me..."

"You have rickets, and I'm treating them for you." Baili Qinxue chuckled, looked him up again and said, "Look, isn't the rickets cured?"

Dugu Sheng glanced at her quite sadly, but there was a look of affection in his eyes, "Axue, you are really wicked."

Baili Qinxue smiled and said nothing.

Over there, Ye Huansha's voice had stopped.

The dragon turtle bit the veil on her face, maybe the veil tasted better, but the dragon turtle still refused to let go.

"Tick, tick—"

When the dragon turtle's saliva fell on her face, Ye Huansha could only feel a stench permeating the tip of her nose.

With a groan, she slowly opened her eyes.

Is she dead?

Is this heaven, or hell?

"Tick, tick—"

The dragon turtle's saliva was still falling, Ye Huansha raised her eyelids, and almost peed in fright when she saw the dragon turtle close at hand.

Heaven or hell, why is there such a terrible thing as a dragon turtle?

and many more……

Could it be that she is not dead yet?

Ye Huansha's eyes widened, and she immediately saw that what Long Gui was biting was her veil.

Just now, the dragon turtle leaned down and didn't eat her, but bit off her veil...

With her life hanging by a thread, she actually recovered her life, haha, she didn't die, she didn't die...


(End of this chapter)

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