Chapter 1632 Pick them up
She didn't care how embarrassing it was to show her ugly face outside, so she just laughed.

And this time...

There was only a "bang", and in an instant, dust flew up.

What's going on here?
Ye Huansha turned her head to the side, and saw...

Another dragon tortoise actually caught that little bastard, Liu Cheng, and even brought it with its mouth...

The sound Ye Huansha heard just now was the sound of the dragon turtle letting go and the orange falling.

Liu Cheng was thrown so badly that she fell to the ground motionless.

Ye Huansha looked at it and was immediately happy.

This little bitch ran away alone just now, and now he has received retribution, haha.

Ye Huansha laughed wantonly, completely forgetting her situation.

Hearing the laughter, Liu Cheng moved her fingers and recovered from the bewildered state.

She looked at the dragon turtle close at hand, and hearing Ye Huansha's laughter, she was stunned again.

When exactly, she was caught by the dragon turtle... And Ye Huansha, a bitch, is not dead yet, and laughs so presumptuously.

This bitch...

Liu Cheng raised her eyelids, and glared at Ye Huansha several times.

Ye Huansha seemed unaware, and was still laughing wantonly.

Liu Cheng couldn't help it, she opened her lips and said in a strange way: "In such a situation, Miss Ye still has the heart to smile?"

Thinking of being caught by the dragon turtle and being carried over, Liu Cheng didn't even get angry.

Hearing this, Ye Huansha was taken aback, only then remembered that she was still being crushed by the dragon tortoise, and might lose her life at any time.

She swallowed her saliva, and breathed a sigh of relief in an instant, and said: "It's okay, anyway, Miss Liu is in the same situation as me at the moment, and it's great to have someone to accompany me on Huangquan Road."

"!" Liu Cheng widened her eyes.

On the road to Huangquan, I'm still with you...

This hateful ugly woman dared to curse her to die...

Liu Cheng gritted her teeth, glared at Ye Huansha several times, and said, "This girl will not die, so Miss Ye should not curse me."

"I didn't curse you." Ye Huansha hooked her lips and smiled and said, "Miss Liu, you are too sensitive. People who run away alone are really bad..."

Liu Cheng was stunned, unable to refute.

She did slip away just now, damn it...

"Hmph, admit it, now you have nothing to say?" Ye Huansha asked with a smile, her mouth twisted.

Liu Cheng was so angry that his face turned blue, and suddenly turned slightly pale, "You bitch, you dare to run on me when you are about to die..."

She was so angry that she couldn't choose what to say, when she turned her head, she saw Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng were still standing aside, looking very relaxed.

"Why are they still here? Didn't Dragon Turtle attack them?" Liu Cheng opened her mouth, feeling a little unbelievable.

Such a ferocious dragon turtle didn't attack them?

Speaking of the two of them, Ye Huansha was not angry at all, she said: "They have been watching a good show over there for a long time, and I wonder why the dragon turtles don't attack them, it's really evil."

"Hmph, that bitch is capable..." Liu Cheng gritted her teeth and muttered sourly.

It would be fine if the dragon turtle attacked that bitch...

Seeing that they were arguing just now, Baili Qinxue shifted her target to them.

Oh, they are leisurely...

Baili Qinxue cast a look at the two dragon turtles.

The dragon tortoises understood, and directly picked up the two of them again.

As soon as the bodies of the two flew into the air, they immediately let out screams like killing pigs.



(End of this chapter)

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