Chapter 1633 Torture them well
Ye Huansha was almost frightened to death, the dragon turtle just bit off her veil, and at this moment, picked her up again...

What is he trying to do, is he trying to eat her?

"Ahh, you bad dragon tortoise, quickly put this lady down, otherwise, this lady will give you a good look..." Ye Huansha kept kicking her calf, trying to make the dragon tortoise let go of its bloody mouth.

But how could the dragon turtle be repelled by a little girl casually, it still had its mouth open, but it didn't clenched tightly, but even so, Ye Huansha was still frightened.

"You bad dragon turtle, quickly put Miss Ben down..."

Ye Huansha kicked her calf in the air, still yelling in her mouth, and she wasn't afraid to make her voice hoarse.

Liu Cheng was not much better either, she shouted and looked at her position, almost fainted from fright.

so high……

If Long Gui lets go, they will definitely be broken.

"It's so high..." Liu Cheng exclaimed, and hurriedly yelled, "Dragon Turtle, don't let go..."

When Ye Huansha heard the words, she glared at Liu Cheng directly, and said, "Miss Liu, what are you talking about? Do you still want to be held by the dragon turtle?"

Isn't this woman stupid, to tell Long Gui not to let go?
"No, that's not the case." Liu Cheng said with a trembling voice, "Miss Ye, look at our position, it's so high, if we will definitely be broken..."

Ye Huansha was startled suddenly, and also looked down.

I saw that they were in a very high position. When you look down from that height, you almost faint. If you really fall, I'm afraid...

Really will be broken.

Ye Huansha gritted her teeth and yelled in shock, "Dragon Turtle, don't let go...don't bite me either, I don't want to die yet..."

The dragon tortoise didn't know what they were muttering, they tilted their heads, showing a blank expression.

The strong are respected, they only listen to Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng, hum.

The two girls were still yelling, Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng stood aside, watching happily.

Baili Qinxue pointed her finger and said with a smile: "Look at the two of them, they are really funny. Sometimes they let the dragon turtle down, and sometimes they don't let the dragon turtle down."

"They don't want to be bitten to death by the dragon turtle, and they don't want to fall to the ground, that's all they can do." Dugu Sheng played with his fingertips, and after watching this scene, he was obviously in a good mood.

Baili Qinxue also hooked her lips and said with a smile: "That makes sense, but..."

She paused, and raised her head slightly.

Dugu Sheng rubbed her hair, and asked with a smile, "But what?"

His family, Axue, must be planning some bad idea again.

"I won't let them get what they want." Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes slightly, and a coldness flashed in her eyes.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at the two dragon turtles.

The two dragon turtles shook their bodies, met her gaze cautiously, and understood her meaning in an instant.

The dragon turtles bent down a little, and then loosened their mouths.

There were two "bang bang", and in an instant, the dust began to fly.

Liu Cheng and Ye Huansha fell straight to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

The two dragon tortoises had already bent down, so the place where they fell was not too high, and they would not be killed or damaged, but it would be very painful.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and a hint of teasing flashed in her eyes.

This is the effect she wants...


(End of this chapter)

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