Chapter 1644 Definitely Demonic...

"You actually accepted our request, so you should hurry up and beg for mercy, and you have to slap yourself." Liu Cheng's eyes were hot, she licked the corners of her mouth, and said: "Remember, when you slap the slap Make it heavier."

The more than 20 servants beside them also stared at them, looking like domineering dogs.

Baili Qinxue was not afraid, and her eyes became more and more indifferent, "The two girls seem to be mistaken. I only said that your ideas are very interesting, not that I will follow suit, and..."

She didn't continue, but there was a bit of contempt in her eyes.

"And, what?" Ye Huansha asked angrily.

Baili Qinxue flicked her sleeves, and took a step forward slowly, the aura on her body gradually spread around like a ray of light, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and said: "What do you think we can do with just this little servant?"

After all, her eyes were cold and her aura grew stronger.

Liu Cheng and Ye Huansha were taken aback, and couldn't say a word for a while.

More than 20 servants were also trembling with fright, almost kneeling down and begging for mercy.

These two ordinary-looking men and women have such a powerful aura, exactly the aura of a strong man...

Ye Huansha came to her senses first, and said, "There's nothing to be afraid of, but just two ordinary men and women, beating up and torturing them will calm down."

"The two girls really can't do this..." Baili Qinxue looked at the king in the sedan chair, and continued to persuade: "You are still sitting in the sedan chair with the king surrounded by nobles. If you want to make trouble, I'm afraid it's not good It's over, but if you want to continue, we will accompany you at any time."

She raised her brows and eyes slightly, and when she stood in the light, she looked arrogant and looked down upon all living beings.

"There's nothing to be afraid of." Liu Cheng grinned, "I'll teach you two a lesson first, and then we'll make amends to the king, it's the same."

Ye Huansha agreed, "That's right, let's torture you little bitch to death first."

Baili Qinxue held her chin, nodded and said: "Well, it's useless to persuade me with good words, so I can only fight. The two young ladies don't cry later."

Dugu Sheng's face turned cold just now, but at the moment, he looked relaxed, completely ignoring the two girls.

Ye Huansha waved her hand and said, "You all go to me, beat them both down, and then..."

Before she could speak, she only felt a pain in her leg, and her whole body collapsed to the ground.

What the hell is going on, bewitched?
Ye Huansha felt weird, rubbed her legs and stood up.

Liu Cheng felt that she was too useless, and decided to do it herself. She pursed her lips and stepped forward, with a bit of resentment in her eyes.

"You are so arrogant..." Liu Cheng broke her fingers and whispered.

Baili Qinxue's smile remained unchanged, but the coldness in her eyes became more serious.

With a flick of her fingertips...

Before Liu Cheng approached, she exclaimed, and then she felt the pain in her knee, she bit it and fell limp on the ground.

"What's going on, why do I feel that my knee hurts so much..." Liu Cheng touched her knee with some puzzlement in her eyes.

"I also felt a pain in my thigh just now, it's very evil..." Ye Huansha frowned, unable to figure it out.

Seeing that they had made a mistake, more than 20 servants froze in place, not daring to take any action.

It's really evil, they all fell to the ground for no reason, could it be that the two of them can't do some magic tricks?
so scary...


(End of this chapter)

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